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potentially both.

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Q: Are STDs found in blood or semen?
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Related questions

How likely is it that blood in semen is caused by chlamydia?

In young men, blood in semen is often caused by chlamydia. If you may be at risk for STDs, it makes sense to get tested. Urine testing for men is quick and painless.

Can crack be passed on through male semen to a baby inside the womb?

no but stds can

Is swallowing 2 guys semen safe?

Yes. It is safe if they are all free of STDs.

How does HIV transport from blood to semen?

semen has a small amount of blood in it so the HIV is still in the blood but is carried by the semen to your partner.

Is swallowing semen safe if you both have an STD?

This would not be good to do as many STDs can be contracted in the mouth.

Can semen affect blood test results?

it can, if semen contains pus or blood.

Is it only the fathers blood in semen responsible for childbirth?

There is no blood in semen. The father's semen and the mother's egg are both required for childbirth.

Is it ok to eat semen?

Yes, semen is mostly protein, with some vitamin C, fructose, and some other things.. But, cum must not be eaten when the source has STDs.. Do you eat your own cum?

Is brown semen common in older men?

You need to see a doctor if you have brown semen. you might be bleeding from the inside of your scrotum. It is also likely that you have STDs if you have had sex before. Although doctors can't generally pinpoint the cause, brown semen is often caused by blood in the semen. It's usually harmless and it usually goes away on its own. If it lasts longer than a month, however, it's worth asking your doctor about it. It could be old blood from your kidneys or bladder or prostate. I wouldn't wait.

What body fluids does AIDS live in?

It lives in Blood, Semen, and Vaginal Secretions.

Do sperms turn into blood when heated?

No, there is no blood in semen or sperm.

Is any content of blood in human semen?

There is normally no blood in semen. However, if a guy ejaculates especially strongly, some tiny capillaries might burst, injecting a small amount of blood into the semen. Especially in older men, if there is cancer in the prostate, there can be quite a bit of blood in the semen.