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no not really there are saddlebreds as dressage horses but that is not there best area

I think they are ok at it. I mean some have great gates for it. :)

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Q: Are Saddlebreds good horses for dressage?
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What horse breeds are best for English shows?

It Depends On what Your Doing. Dressage , jumping , Cross Country, Eventing Ect. But Warmbloods,Thoughbreds, and Saddlebreds Are Good!

What does it mean if your horse has a lot of dressage on

This means they are good at dressage, one type of riding. Howrse currently doesn't have dressage comps, although good dressage horses are usually good for English riding (races, jumping, and cross country)

What horses are used for dressage?

FrisiansThoroughbredsAny horse can be used for Dressage.

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Arabian horses win dressage competitions all the time. They are particularly good at the lower levels.

What is a horses dressage?

There are no "dressage horses" but some breeds are used for dressage more than others,, e.g. you would probably use a warmblood rather than a cob. But basically, a dressage horse is a horse that does dressage :)

What is a dressage bridle?

a spicific bridle designed for dressage horses in compatition

What is dressage with horses?

Dressage is a French term that means training. All horses go through 'Dressage' at some point in their lives. However competitive Dressage is used to show off horses that have been trained to a higher degree than most others.

What is the best breed of dressage horse?

It depends on the horse itself. Hanoverians are great dressage horses, and if you want a three day event horse, Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses. Some other dressage horses can be Morgans, Friesians and if you want to do dressage noncompetitive, Haflingers can execute dressage movements.

Where did dressage begin?

Dressage began in Europe as a way to train Military Horses.

In Howrse what race needs your horses dressage?

All the races use dressage.

Are friesians good for dressage?

friesian horses are mostly used for dressage,it depends how they were trained! Friesians may not be the best horse to jump. But that doesn't mean they won't I'm sure if you teach them well they could do it but I wouldn't get your heart set on going to Rolex anytime soon.

What are Thoroughbreds mainly used for?

Horse racing mainly. But they can make good jumpers and dressage horses etc.