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No matter what the underlying cause of your shin splint symptoms may be, the answer to this question is "Yes." However, "connective tissue" is a very broad term which includes skin, muscle, bone, cartilage, tendon, ligament, and even blood. Shin splints are usually a combined injury of muscle, bone, and to a lesser degree tendon.

"Shin splints" is more of a symptom that could be caused by several conditions than a specific condition itself. Pain or discomfort in the front lower leg when running or jumping are a good indication of this type of condition. Putting pressure on the muscles next to the tibia (shin bone) will produce discomfort or pain. Take two fingers and apply firm pressure as you slide your fingers along the tibia where the bone and muscle meet on the medial (inside) and lateral (outsided) sides of the tibia (shin bone). If you feel pain in any of these areas it is likely that either the muscle is pulling away from the bone in microscopic tears or that you have small stress fractures along the tibia.

If left untreated, shin splints will progressively lead to worse conditions and will take much longer to heal. There may be no "permanent" effects from shin splints, but shin splints might progress into a fracture of the tibia which will require a cast and immobility for prolonged periods of time.

Although wearing neoprene sleeves on the lower legs and certain taping methods can relieve some of the discomfort in the lower leg commonly referred to as "shin splints," the only real treatment for shin splints is rest and ice. ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories can help reduce inflammation and speed up recovery. A good supplemental intake of calcium, Vitamin C, glucosamine, chondroiton, and MSM will ensure that your body has the materials it needs to repair itself.

Shin splints are usually used to describe the pain and discomfort associated with the tibialis anterior muscle being torn off of the tibia because of a strength imbalance between this muscle and the soleus and gastrocnemius. To recover, the athlete should rest and apply ice to the affected area of the shin in 20-30 minute segments as often as possible. The athlete may return to exercise after the area is no longer sensitive to pressure along the tibia, the athlete can perform lower leg stretches without discomfort, and a light jog is shown to produce no pain or discomfort. The recovery period will usually take 2-3 weeks, but this can vary greatly among athletes.

To prevent shin splints from reoccurring, or to prevent them from ever occurring in the first place, one should engage in an exercise program that targets strengthening the tibialis anterior directly. This short video shows a simple exercise that is very effective in preventing shin splints.

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