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Yes. Tasmanian devils were once found over much of the Australian continent. Now, they a only found in the wild on the southern island state of Tasmania, which is indeed a part of Australia.

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Q: Are Tasmanian devils native to Australia?
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Are cats related to Tasmanian devils?

No. Cats are not related to tasmanian devils. Cats are placental mammals and Tasmanian devils are marsupials. There are no true native cats in Australia.

Do the Tasmanian devils live in South Africa?

No. Tasmanian devils are native to Australia. Where they were once found on the mainland, their native habitat is only the Australian island state of Tasmania.

Tasmanian Devils are native to which continent?

Tasmanian Devils are native to the continent of Australia. They are no longer found on the mainland, though fossil evidence indicates that they did live on the main continent prior to the introduction of the dingo. Tasmanian devils are now found only on Australia's island state of Tasmania, which lies to the south of the mainland.

Are Tasmanian devils amphibians or marsupials?

Tasmanian devils are marsupials of Australia.

Does the Tasmanian devil live in Africa?

Yes. There are still Tasmanian devils in the wild.

Does a Tasmanian devil live in New Jersey?

No. Tasmanian devils are found only in Australia, specifically its southern island state of Tasmania. Arizona is in North America, not Australia.

What is the island off Australia's coast on which Tasmanian devils live?

Tasmanian devils are found in the wild on Australia's southern island state of Tasmania.

What countries and continent does the Tasmanian devil live in?

The Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) is a carnivorous marsupial mammal that is native to Tasmania. It was once widespread on the Australian mainland, but the arrival of the Dingo and possibly climate change at the end of the last ice age, may have contributed to its extinction on the mainland.

What is the island called of the Tasmanian devils?

The island where Tasmanian devils live is called Tasmania. It is Australia's island state.

Do Tasmanian devils live in Australia?

Yes. Tasmanian devils are native to Tasmania, the island state of Australia located off the southeast coast of the continent. Tasmanian devils were once prevalent on the Australian mainland, but it is thought that either climate change or the introduction of the Dingo by the Australian Aborigines caused its extinction on the mainland because of the increased competition for food. Currently, the only Tasmanian devils on the mainland are held in special reserves, or in captive breeding programmes.

Do Tasmanian devils live in Ireland?

No. The Tasmanian Devil is a carnivorous marsupial mammal that is native to Tasmania, the island state of Australia located off the southeast coast of the continent.

Do Tasmanian devils live in Asia?

No. Tasmanian devils do not live in Asia. They are found only in Australia, on its island state of Tasmania.