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It says in my geography book: Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes, landslides or volcanic eruptions under the sea.

But Im sure 'Tsunamis are formed when two oceanic plates collide' is right too, it sounds right cause theres also a diagram that shows the crust broken and moving up causing the wave to go up aswell (this is called an upward wave)

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Q: Are Tsunamis formed when two oceanic plates collide?
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What zone formed where two oceanic plates collide?

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What is made when oceanic plates collide?

An under water earthquake is formed causing a tsunami.

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Tectonic plates are oceanic plates. But when tectonic plates collide and a convergent boundary earthquakes occur.

Where does oceanic and oceanic plates collide?

When a trench or volcano comes.

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Oceans do not collide but oceanic crustal plates can collide, and when they do collide, island arcs are formed along the subduction zone.

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When oceanic plates diverge an underwater earthquake is the result. Oceanic earthquakes often result in disastrous Tsunamis.

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when two oceanic plates collide they create a deep-ocean trench, at deep-ocean trenches subduction occurs.

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This is when two plates collide together?

Earthquake, which can also lead to tsunamis.