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Maybe, but sightings are noting, there's "sightings" of loads of mythical creatures, it doesn't necessarily mean that they exist, and anyway, if they did, we'd probably know by now.

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Q: Are Werewolves Real due to the 200 or more werewolf sightings?
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What is the history context of the werewolf?

There are many many years worth of history regarding the werewolf. Online you can find books and other news article dating back to the late 1800's of werewolf sightings. While other sites and authors may tell you werewolves are nothing more that folk lore and childrens horror stories.

Are vampires like the ones in vampire diaries real?

Yes, Buffy the Vampire Slayer has werewolves. A major character named Oz (played by Seth Green) is a werewolf, who is introduced in the second season. There are no werewolves in the first season, however. The spin-off, Angel, also features a werewolf, but in only one episode.

What monster that changes from human to wolf?

A person who can transform into a wolf is called a werewolf. For more information on the subject there is a link below this page.

Are werewolves faster than vampires?

some vampires are faster then werewolves it depends on the vampire/werewolf. Vampires have always been faster than werewolves because vampires have wings. plain and simple. Werewolves have to actually use their legs to get around and that is why werewolves are more muscular than vampires. because they get more exercise.

Do werewolves revert to their human form once killed?

well, in human form its their choice to be kind or mean. Normally in human form werewolves are mysterious and quiet. In werewolf form, they are more scary and can be provoked very quickly (just like normal wolfs in the wild).

How can you turn in to a werewolf in few days?

You can't. The only way to become a werewolf is to be born that way. Werewolves are commonly men, but in Twilight, Leah is a werewolf and a female. The only way is to be born a human, and when reaching a certain age, turning into a werewolf. More commonly known as "morphing".

What is stronger a vampire or a werewolf?

It depends on the specific lore and universe in which they exist. In general, vampires are often depicted as having greater speed, agility, and intelligence, while werewolves possess superior strength, endurance, and physical abilities. Ultimately, the outcome of a battle between a vampire and a werewolf would depend on the specific circumstances and abilities of each individual.

Could a werewolf beat up a vampire?

Well yeah! Werewolves are stronger and faster, and could easily beat up a vampire. Werewolves are more agile, and athletic, so it would be easy for them to trash up a vampire.

Is a werewolf a man or a canine?

Werewolves are crosses between man and canine, but due to the animalistic nature of the creatures, they lean more towards the canine side.

When werewolves are in wolf form do they know what they are doing or are they out of it and the wolf side takes over then wake up and not know what has happened apart from the fact that they changed?

Yes, that is the traditional understanding of werewolf behavior. Small variations do exist however. I know of a werewolf to come to the aid of his son - more a result of which victim to attack than real paternalism though.

Can you be a werewolf if you have a werewolf skin?

No.Here's why: werewolves, lyncanthropes as a whole, do not exist. They are creatures of myth and legend. Fictional stories are written about them. Nothing more.If you have what you believe is a werewolf skin, it is more than likely common dog. It is not likely wolf, as many breeds of wolf are endangered or nearly so.

What are real werewolves do they look how the myth suggests do they change on a full moon or is it all just lies and what is their relationship with vampires - really?

Well, it depends on the class of werewolf. A class A werewolf appears in a half-man, half-wolf form. A class B appears as a total wolf, anywhere from the size of a large pony, to the size of a draft horse, depending on the age. A werewolf's change into their wolf form, whether type A or B, because of an adrenalin response, from a strong emotion. The shifting is a flight or fight response, but tougher than more effective than a human's. The moon does drive shifting a bit, during the full and new moon, werewolves are angrier, and tend to change more often, though older werewolves have more control during this time than newer ones. Class A werewolves are more aggressive, and are more anti-social, against all people, including vampires. However, moat werewolves and vampires are like regular people, some hate each other, and some can be friends, their relationship is up to the individuals, though most werewolves stick to the pack for friends.