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Q: Are a group of organic compounds including fats phospholipids and steroids?
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What two organic compounds contain elements other than carbon hydrogen and oxygen?

proteins and phospholipids

A large nonpolar organic molecule including fats and steroids?

fats and steroids are generally known as lipids

Which molecules are types of lipids?

Nonpolar organic molecules are lipids...including tryglycerides, phospholipids, steroids, waxes, and pigments.

Are phospholipids inorganic or organic?

It is organic substance

All organic compounds contain carbon?

All organic compounds DO in fact contain carbon.Carbon has the right characteristics to support large chains, including rings, that are necessary for these organic compounds.

Is the category of organic compounds of four interconnected rings of carbon atoms is known as steriods?

steroids is correct. four interconnected rings are characteristic of steroids.

Are phospholipids inorganic?

No. organic

What is the study of organic compounds?

carbon and hydrgen atom (Expansion): Organic chemistry is the study of organic compounds. An organic compound is any compound that contains at least one carbon atom, with the exception of several types of molecules including CO and CO^2, which are technically inorganic.

What is polar organic compound?

organic compounds are basically composed of carbon atoms.polar organic compounds are those compounds in which the organic compounds have the properties of polar compounds.

Are organic compounds made of sugars or starches.?

Sugars and starches are organic compounds. But not all organic compounds are sugars and starches .

Is electrolyte an organic compound?

Not necessarily. Many organic compounds are non-electrolytes, though some, including organic acids and their salts, are electrolytes.

Many organic compounds have similar properties including?

im not sure either