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vertically slit

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Q: Are a panda's pupils slit vertically or horizontally?
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What shape are animal pupils?

Animal pupils come all different shapes and sizes. A cat has slit shaped pupils, and a chicken has round pupils. Some goats even have time glass shaped pupils. Many different shapes.

Do all snakes have circle eyes?

The eyes are circular, though some species have slit pupils.

Why did dinosaurs have slit eyes?

It is not known what kind of eyes dinosaurs had. They are often depicted with silt pupils simply for dramatic purposes.

Is the best way to slit your writst horizontally or vertical?

actually neither. if you want to die check yourself into the psych ward at your nearest hospital.

Why do goats eyes look so weird?

Goats have a horizontally slit pupil, which is striking in comparison to most other animals (and humans) which have a round pupil.

What kind of toad is this It is very tiny and has orange eyes with slit like pupils that go up and down like cat eyes?

Probably the red tree frog.

Why does a Tokay gecko have slit pupils?

Tokay Geckos are Nocturnal. Nocturnal animals require next to no lighting if possible none during the nights. Their Verticle pupils will dialate to the size of the eye's and this allows them to take in as much light as possible, Thus, them being able to see at night. Most Nocturnal species of any animal family have verticle pupils.

How can a viper snake be identified?

Compared to many other snakes, vipers often appear rather sluggish. Almost all vipers have keeled scales. Keeled scales are scales that have a raised ridge running horizontally along each scale. They give the scales a rough appearance. Vipers also have a stocky build with a short tail, and, due to the location of the venom glands, a triangular-shaped head distinct from the neck. The great majority have vertically slit-shaped, pupils that can open wide to cover most of the eye or close almost completely, which helps them to see in a wide range of light levels. Usually, vipers are nocturnal and ambush their prey.

What visual adaptation do cats have?

Like many animals, cats have large pupils (slit pupils in domestic cats) and a tapetum lucidum, a tissue layer behind the retina that reflects light back through the optical sensors. These improve their night vision. (The tapetum is the source of cat's "glowing eyes" at night.)

In what shape are the pupils of the goat's eyes?

No. Goats, like most herd animals (cattle, deer, antelope, etc.) have horizontal pupils, more like a slit. This gives them the advantages of a 330° view, and greater peripheral depth perception--perhaps to give them an advantage over predators.

What is the present participle of slit?

Slitting is the present participle of slit.