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Upbringing, if parental care is meant, influences personality little, but other things, like overall happiness, are important products of parental care.

The environment, especially the unique environment, is as important as the genes in all human traits. It is not a dichotomy and it is nature via nurture. What we measure is the squared variance from the mean, the differences in influence. We do not measure and can not measure the positive weight of either genes or environment influencing people.

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Q: Are a person's genes or upbringing more important?
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What is being selected in natural selection?

The individual, or the genes of the individual. All organisms are variants in phenotype and behavior. So, natural selection is the immediate environment these organisms are in and those that survive and reproduce better in this environment leave more descendants which carry the genes that promoted that survival and reproduction advantage. Then those genes are more represented in the populations gene pool and this is evolution.

Are genes made of DNA?

Actually its the other way around. DNA is the structure that contains genes and passes them from generation to generation allowing traits to be inherited. I wish I could go into better detail but I'm more of a physics and chemistry kinda guy.

What terms refers to a situation where a single phenotypic character is determined by the additive effects of two or more genes?


What is polygeny?

Inheritance in which more than one gene pair affects the appearance of a particular trait. Polygenetic inheritance refers to the non-Mendelian form of inheritance in which a particular trait is produced by the interaction of many genes.

What is the essence of Darwin's theory of evolution?

Darwin's theory outlined natural selection, as one theory within the whole of evolution: those organisms that are better able to survive long enough to reproduce more often, will pass on the genes that result in their offspring surviving longer and reproducing more as well, resulting in that set of genes becoming more common in the population as time passes.

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Does the x chromosome determine personality?

High unlikely. Personality is a complex trait which is probably a combination of genes (carried on more than just the X chromosome) and environment. What no one is certain of is the relative effect of each one. So, are genes more important in determining your personality than your environment (eg. your upbringing)? We don't know.

The nature-nurture question asks whether?

A person's genres or upbringing are more important. :)

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anything is important in history events

Some scientists believe that inherited traits are more important to the formation of a personality while other scientists believe that is more important.?

While genetics can influence certain personality traits, environmental factors such as upbringing, culture, and experiences also play a significant role in shaping a person's personality. It is generally accepted among psychologists that both nature (genes) and nurture (environment) interact to shape an individual's personality.

Is it true that you are more than the sum of your genes?

The answer is No you are not more then your genes.

How is Corey taylors neck so big?

Corey Taylor's neck is probably big because of his upbringing, weight, size compared to the rest of his body or simply his genes. However the cause can be for more than one reason.

What are the 4 characteristics of genes. Which one do you think is the most important?

Genes have four main structural parts - the promoter, introns, exons and the termination site (or recognition site for Rho protein). They are all very important (since exons contain the code for creating products, these could be called more important than introns - although it is believed introns still have an important role). Genes are how you get your own physical characteristics. They are the fundamental unit of heredity. Genes are found on chromosomes made of DNA. Different genes determine different characteristics, or traits, of an organism.

Is it true that the more genes you have the more complex of an organism you are?

it sounds logical the more genes you have ,the more characteristics you have and thus the more complex you are.

Why is the bird ont the right more likely to pass on its genes than the bird on the left?

The bird on the right is more likely to pass on its genes because it has a longer beak so it can get more food and eat more making it more likely to pass on its genes.

Are there more chromosome than genes?

No. Humans have 46 chromosomes " beaded " with about 25,000 genes.


All people have the same number of genes.

Traits controlled by two or more genes are?

Hello there! Traits controlled by two or more genes are for example skin color and height.