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Q: Are agreements made under duress void or voidable?
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Can a loan contract be void under false pretense?

It's possible, yes. In most US jurisdictions, a contract is voidable if it was signed under either duress or due to fraudulent statements made by the other party.

How do you use boorish in a sentence?

Their boorish rejection of the ageing movie star was made under duress.

What are the reasons for a contract to be voidable?

There are many reasons a contract can be made void-too numerous to list here. The most common is that the contract was not legal in the first place i.e. the contract was not legal to the local, state or federal laws that pertain. Another reason could be failure to disclose information directly relating to the contract. The list is almost endless.

Do I have any rights to an item after I sell it?

According to the laws of most states, you have no rights to an item after you sell it. If the sale was made under duress, that can change the situation.

What agreements made by the Treaty of Versailles did Hitler break?

all the agreements

What were treaties signed under threat of force known as?

The treaties that were signed under threat of force are known as unequal treaties. Unequal treaties are also agreements made under pressure.

Could a man be freed from a vow he took?

That all depends upon the vow and to whom it was agreed. If was agreed with another human and not made in duress then there is the possibility of release. If it were however honestly made with our Father.... without duress.... one best stick to that vow.

Why are all agreements not contracts?

Contracts are official documentation. Some agreements are made with oral promises and/or handshakes.

Has Bill Clinton made any executive agreements?

Yes, Bill Clinton made 2,058 executive agreements, and 209 treaties. Due to trade agreements such as NAFTA, Bill Clinton made more executive agreements than any of immediate predecessors dating back to Nixon. Source: The Politics of the Presidency by Joesph Pika

What agreements did Ruth wakefield have?

she made a agreement with NESTL'E

What were the agreements made between the countries involved in the Vietnam War once it ended?

The north won the war. No need for agreements.

What did Harold godwin lie about?

It is often written that Harold Godwinson lied to William of Normandy when he promised to support his claim to the English throne.The actual circumstances are that Harold promised under duress, which made that promise null and void.This is the same as confessing to a crime under torture, it doesn't mean a thing!