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Q: Are albino clawed frogs poison
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Can Albino African Clawed frogs change gender?

No they cannot

Can Albino clawed frogs eat rosy red minnows?

No but they can eat guppys

Are African albino clawed frogs poisonous or harmful to humans to touch?


How many eggs do albino clawed frogs lay?


Can you keep 2 male albino African clawed frogs in a 20 gallon tank?

As long as you have your tank heavily planted, the frogs should be fine.

Can Albino Clawed Frog and Albino Oscar live together?

no the Oscar will eat it. i bought an albino clawed frog and my Oscar at it the frog was in the tank for ten min. I had a couple of the albino frogs in the tank with several large Oscars and a synadontis catfish for years. Needless to say when i got the Oscars the frogs were larger than them and unable to eat them so i think that helped a lot. One of the frogs did happen to get eaten by the catfish though when I was transproting them to my new apartment.

How do you tell the difference between dwarf African frogs and clawed frogs?

Look for little claws on the front feet; clawed frogs live up to their name. They are also somewhat bigger than dwarf frogs, have more popped-out eyes, and if it's an albino, it's definitely a clawed.

What do you feed albino clawed frogs as babies?

Get krill or bloodworm tablets and break off very small pieces for them to eat.

Can you breed an albino African clawed frog with a normal African clawed frog?

i have been trying to figure this out as well... i have a pair one albino one not... they have been together for a long time now. While he does sing to her, there are no babies...I have seen my frogs hugging or spooning one behind another and no babies either.

What is the difference between African Clawed frogs and regular frogs?

Basicly African clawed frogs are bigger and have tiny claws and regular frogs are just frogs i suppose.

Is an Albino Clawed Frog a fish?

No. It's an amphibian.

Can you hold a clawed frog?

Yes. Clawed frogs do have claws, but they won't hurt you.