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Q: Are all Americans descendants of immigrants?
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Why was the US been called a nation of immigrants?

Because the majority of the people in the US are either immigrants themselves or the descendants of immigrants. Only the Native Americans (aka American Indians) do not consider themselves descendants of immigrants, however all their ancestors did imigrate to America during the last ice age or shortly thereafter.

What percentage of US citizens are either immigrants or are descendants of immigrants?

Almost all of them

Why did Americans immigranted?

I would like to say, the only "Americans" who have the right to be afraid of immigrants are the natives. Seeing as most modern Americans who are descended from the original settlers, are descendants of immigrants (more precisely, criminals from Britain)

Why are Americans accepting to legal immigrants?

This is a country of immigrants except for Native Americans. Our Constitution established that all are welcome.

Only about half of all American citizens are descendants of earlier immigrants?

yo ahsss

Do the Indians or Spanish have control in America?

Neither. The people in power in every country in the Americas are people who are from those countries and the descendants of immigrants. If the question intends to ask about whether in Latin American countries if Indigenous Americans or descendants of Spanish immigrants are the ones ruling the country, the answer is usually that Spanish immigrants or Non-Spanish immigrants are those who rule those countries, primarily because they are the majority and generally better educated. However, several political leaders, like President Evo Morales of Bolivia, are Indigenous Americans.

What percent of Americans are either immigrant or descendants of immigrants?

Roughly 2% of the US population is Native American. Everyone else (98%) is an immigrant, or descendant of an immigrant.

What do you call people whose ancestors had french?

People whose ancestors had French heritage are often referred to as French Canadians, Franco-Americans, or descendants of French immigrants.

What did americans do to get rid of immigrants?

It is very hard for the Americans to actually get rid of the immigrants.

What percent of US citizens are either immigrants or the descendant of immigrants?

Unless the US citizen is a Native American, all other US citizens are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Native American make-up 1%-2% of the total US population.

Who are the American born Spaniards?

Creoles are descendants of French and Spanish immigrants.

What According to nativists how did new immigrants hurt Americans?

They drove up costs, spread "evil" ways and took away their jobs.