

Are all Mexicans Aztec

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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No, in fact, most Mexicans have no drop of Aztec blood in there bodies. When the Spanish colonized Central America, most of the conquistadors refused to interbreed with the natives. This lack a combination means that not every person that lives in Mexico today are Aztec related.

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Q: Are all Mexicans Aztec
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No not all mexicans are descendants of the aztec people some are myan i myself is mexican and i am a descendent of the aztecs but no not all mexicans are aztecs just remember of the myans

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becouse i don;t know

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They were located in the valley of Mexico, and the capital was located on Lake Texcoco.

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They called themselves Mexica. An American writing a book coined the term Aztec to distinguish the ancient generation of Mexicans from the current generation. He came up with the name Aztec off of their homeland called Aztlan. The man who coined the name Aztec, was a German traveler in the early eigtheenth century and he thought of the name since the Mexicans came from a town called Aztlan, but the Mexicans never called themselves that.

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Of course Mexicans caused it. Mexicans are dirty, and nasty so because of all their "grease" or oil from them being dirty that is what caused it. So thank all the mexicans for all the animals that died. Stupid Mexicans.

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50 and they are all Mexicans 50 and they are all Mexicans

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Generally speaking, yes. "Native Mexicans" are made up of different tribes:Olmec, Chicamec, Aztec & Mayan to name a few - that were on 'that side' of the boarder when it was drawn on a map.u r right

What do Aztec sun tattoos symbolize?

Generally these are tattoos that are worn by Mexicans or Mexican Americans as a way to acknowledge their ancestors and as a matter of racial pride.

Who made the Aztec's rules?

The Aztecs, known as Mexicans, were ruled by a council, and the huey Tlatoani, they made the laws of the empire and the one of the most influential was a man called Tlacaelel who was the main adviser of the fifth lord of the Mexicans called Izcoatl.

Are Mexicans descended from the Aztecs?

The word 'Aztec' was created by an American writing a book, to separate or distinguish the older generation of Mexicans from the current ones. "Aztecs" in actuality called them selves Mexicas. Mexicans today and Mexicans of the past have the same relation as Ancient Chinese and Modern Chinese. Now obviously Mexicans can be of any race. As a black person who is a Chinese citizen is also Chinese. But reguarding racial ethnicity, yes.

Why are the Aztecs called the Aztecs and what is the meaning of te word Aztec?

The Aztecs called themselves Mexica. The the term Aztec was coined by an American trying to sell books in order to distinguish the older generation of Mexicans from the current one. He got the word Aztec from the northern Mexica homeland called Aztlan.