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No. Birds are not amphibians. Neither are insects, Spiders, worms, reptiles (snakes, turtles, tortoises, crocodiles, lizards, etc.)

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5d ago

No, not all animals that hatch from eggs are considered amphibians. Amphibians are a specific group of vertebrates that include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts.Other animals that hatch from eggs could be reptiles (like snakes or turtles) or birds.

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Q: Are all animals that hatch from eggs called amphibians?
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Related questions

How do amphibians born?

Amphibians hatch from eggs

Give you a list of the animals that hatch from eggs?

Birds, snakes, amphibians, fish, and most insects

What kind of animals hatch out of eggs?

Most reptiles, amphibians, birds, most arthropods, the platypus, and the echidna.

What other animals hatch from a egg?

All birds hatch from eggs. In addition, most amphibians and reptiles also lay eggs, whilst some give live birth. There are two mammals which hatch from eggs. The platypus and the echidna asre both monotremes, or egg-laying mammals.

What are animals called when they hatch from their eggs?

oviparous, are creatures born from an egg

Why are not all animals oviparous?

Oviparous animals are animals that reproduce by laying eggs. This is how most fish, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and arachnids reproduce. All birds and monotremes also reproduce like this. Most animals that live on land lay eggs that are protected by hard shells. They fertilize their eggs internally. Water-dwelling animals like fish and amphibians lay eggs that have not been fertilized yet. Then the males lay sperm on top of the eggs, which is called external fertilization. No mammals except for monotremes reproduce like this. Instead, they are viviparous. Fish, amphibians and reptiles that are not oviparous are oviviparous. This means that the eggs hatch while still inside the mother's body.

Do birds hatch from eggs?

yes birds do hatch from eggs

What groups of animals lay soft eggs?

An egg-laying animal is called oviparous. Many animals lay eggs. any reptiles, birds, fish and almost all amphibians lay eggs, as well as many arthropods. If the question means which mammals which lay eggs, the answer is monotremes. The only known monotremes are the platypus, the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna.

Do you have a pictures of animals hatch from egg and born alive?

Yes, there are pictures of animals that hatch from eggs and animals that are born alive. Most mammals are born alive, while most birds and reptiles hatch from eggs.

How does newts have baby come out?

Since newts are amphibians, they lay eggs which the care for until they hatch.

What animals hatch from eggs and have hair?


Do salamanders have make milk?

No, they do not. Amphibians lay eggs in water. The eggs give the embryos all the nutrition they need until they hatch. After that, they're on their own and live on small insects. No. Only mammals feed their young milk.