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No they r not poisonous

you dumbo

thats so rediculous


wow your dumb

good luck :D

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13y ago
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10y ago

No, only dart frogs found in the wild in South and Central America. There are many brightly colored frogs that aren't poisonous.

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6y ago

No, tadpoles can't sting.

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Q: Are all brightly colored frogs poisonous?
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Is all colourful frog are poisionous if yes then why?

No. Some frogs are brightly colored to mimic a poisonous frog so that predators do think it is poisonous.

Are all of the dart frogs poisonous?

All non poisonous dart frogs are actually poisonous

Are all frogs safe to eat?

No, there are some poisonous frogs such as poison dart frogs.

Are whites tree frogs poisonous?

No. Whites Tree Frogs are not poisonous, but if you do not wash your hands after touching one you can get sick.

Can all frogs be eaten?

No. Many are poisonous, even deadly.

Why do builders wear yellow helmets?

Not all builders wear yellow helmets, but builders generally wear brightly colored helmets...brightly colored to maximize their visibility at the work site, and helmets to protect their heads from injury.

How do you tell if a frog is poisinis?

Most frogs are not poisonous. All dart frogs are, they are colorful. All toads have glands behind their eyes called paratoid glands, which produce bufotoxin. All toads are poisonous to some degree.

Is frog urine poisonous?

No, some frogs are not poisonous and yes, some frogs are poisonous.Specifically, some frogs can secrete bufotoxins which target a potential predator's or prey's nervous tissue. The toxic substance may be found stored in the skin on the anuran's back, neck and shoulders. It will be far more commonly found in salamanders and toads than in frogs (Dendrobatoidea superfamily).

What color is a poison dart frog's poison?

There are a huge number of species of poison dart frogs. They are all different colours, but most of them are extremely brightly coloured. Bright colours on animals in nature are often called 'warning colours'. Their bright shades of red, green, yellow, purple and blue, often iridescent and spotted or striped, clearly say 'don't eat me, I'm poisonous'.

Is it true that all amphibians with brightly colored skin are deadly?

Yes, if you see an amphibian with bright skin they are deadly.

Are tree frogs poisonous?

No Tree frogs are not poisonous. however some rain forest tree frog species such as the (poison)dart frog are poison but unless you live in the rain forest any species you come across are not poisonous...

Why are some frogs poisonous?

because they need it to use it for defense.