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no stem cells which are very numerous when you are very young are awaiting the "coding" for their job, remember all cells with the exception of sperm and egg cells have the same DNA but certain traits just get activated that lead to different types of cells, skin, cardiac, muscle etc

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12y ago

Ufcoarse I'm just eight years old but the answer is yes

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Q: Are all cells highly specialized and complex?
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Why is it beneficial to be multicellular?

Because a single cell isn't very complex. The more cells an organism has, the more it can specialize it's cells, such as all the specialized cells that make up your brain, stomach, skeleton, muscles, etc. An organism that is made up of only one cell, that one cell has to do everything that each of our specialized cells do.

Why are specialized cells dependent on other specialized cells?

Specialized cells are dependent on other specialized cells because they often need specific signals, nutrients, or support from other cells to function properly. Different cell types have unique functions that contribute to overall tissue or organ function, so they must work together in a coordinated manner for the body to operate efficiently.

How do animal cells differ form the cells of unicellular organisms?

Animal cells are specialized for multicellular organisms and contain organelles like a nucleus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum. Unicellular organisms are typically simple and lack specialized organelles found in animal cells. Animal cells also have complex structures like tissues and organs for specific functions, while unicellular organisms are single-celled and perform all functions independently.

Epithelial cells are specialized for all the following functions?

Without knowing what the functions are a person will have difficulty knowing which are specialized for epithelial cells. Including the functions would insure that a person will provide the correct answer.

Which cell is the most complex?

It is an Eukaryote.

Related questions

Why do you think cells are so specialized and complex in plants and animals?

Cells are so specialized to carry out all the complex functions in animals and plants.

Which of the following are specialized cells blood cells muscle cells bone cells all of the above?


Why is it beneficial to be multicellular?

Because a single cell isn't very complex. The more cells an organism has, the more it can specialize it's cells, such as all the specialized cells that make up your brain, stomach, skeleton, muscles, etc. An organism that is made up of only one cell, that one cell has to do everything that each of our specialized cells do.

What are specialized cells and what type of organism are they found?

specialized cells are cells that exist for a specific function for example skin cells or brain cells or liver cells. all multicellular organisms have specialized cells. unicellular organisms do not because they have to carry out all the functions of an entire organism while a skin cell does not have to "worry" about cleaning toxins from the body for example.

What two kinds of cells that perform specialized functions in humans?

Neurons, sarcomeres, osteoblasts, and cardiac muscle cells all have specialized functions performed by no other cells.

What are two kinds of cells that perform specialized functions in humans?

Two types of specialized cells in humans are red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body, and nerve cells, which send and receive signals in the nervous system.

Is a skin cell a specialized cell?

All cells in a multicellular organism(an organism with two or more cells) are specialized separating them from unicellular organisns

Why are specialized cells dependent on other specialized cells?

Specialized cells are dependent on other specialized cells because they often need specific signals, nutrients, or support from other cells to function properly. Different cell types have unique functions that contribute to overall tissue or organ function, so they must work together in a coordinated manner for the body to operate efficiently.

Do Cells have specialized components that all perform the same functions.?


Are ribosomes specialized cells?

No. Ribosomes are not cells at all, but are organelles within cells that help to make proteins for the cell.

Do all protozoa have complex cells?


What does specialization in cells mean?

The cell has a specific function. Nerve cells, blood cells, and root cells are all types of specialized cells.