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Agar is often used in place of Gelatin (which is derived from collagen). In the UK its possible to buy vegetarian Jelly (jello, I believe its called in the US) which is agar based. Agar comes from seaweed.

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Q: Are all collagens derived from animals and speaking as a vegetarian is there any plant collagen?
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No, it contains gelatin. And gelatin contains something called collagen, which is found in all animals and humans too.

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yes but u have to cook at 350in the sun for three hours then put chocolate

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None. No non-human animals are vegetarian. Vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice. Only humans make lifestyle choices. Only humans can be vegetarian.

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Animals that don't eat other animals.

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No, the gopher is a vegetarian!

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Vegetarian is generally use for humans that don't eat meat. The Word for animals is herbivore. And yes, there are several animals that are herbivores.

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Carnivorous- Only meat. Vegetarian- No meat.

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No, jelly is made from the collagen inside animals' skin and bones. And, since vegans don't eat anything related to animals...well then they can't eat the collagen either.

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