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Q: Are all medical assisting programs accredited by either caahep abhes?
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How do I get my certified medical assistant certification?

After you've completed an accredited medical assisting program, then you complete the application to take the AAMA exam. The exam fee is $125 for AAMA members and recent graduates of CAAHEP or ABHES-accredited schools, and $250 for everybody else.

What agencies accredits the medical assistants education programs?

The Tio agencies, that accredit a MA are ABHES & CAAHEP.

What are the qualification of a sonologist?

The following is written by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.Diagnostic medical sonography is an occupation to which there are multiple paths of entry. Formal education in sonography, training, or a combination of these are accepted by employers. Employers do prefer sonographers who have received education from an accredited program or completed training in an accredited practice, and who are registered.Education and training. There are several avenues for entry into the field of diagnostic medical sonography. Sonographers may train in hospitals, vocational-technical institutions, colleges or universities, or the Armed Forces. Some training programs prefer applicants with experience in other healthcare professions or high school graduates with courses in mathematics, health, and science.Colleges and universities offer formal training in both 2-year and 4-year programs, resulting in either an associate or a bachelor's degree. Two-year programs are the most prevalent. Coursework includes classes in anatomy, physiology, instrumentation, basic physics, patient care, and medical ethics. In 2008, the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) accredited over 150 training programs. Accredited programs are offered by colleges and universities. Some hospital programs are accredited as well.A few 1-year programs that typically result in a vocational certificate also are accepted as proper education by employers. These programs are useful usually only for workers already employed in a healthcare occupation who seek to increase their marketability by training in sonography. One-year vocational-certificate programs are not accredited by the CAAHEP.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated directly below this answer section.

Where does one go to find information about the CAAHEP?

The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs accredits higher education programs in nearly 20 health related fields. Graduation from a CAAHEP program is usually a requirement before sitting for various certifying examinations in health-related fields.

Where can I take online medical assistant classes?

Many online medical assistant programs exist online. The important factor when choosing an online program is certification by either the Accrediting Bureau of Health Schools (ABHES) or the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). Because medical assistants give injections and draw blood and perform similar physical procedures, if you have no experience you might want to consider a community college in your area.

Can you get into a ultrasound technician program with a GED?

Yeah. You can. As long as you have a GED and the college where you'll be applying to accepts GED as a form of schooling, you'll have no problem. Try and find a college accredited by CAAHEP.

How to Choose the Best Billing and Coding Classes and Become a Certified Professional?

If you are interested in beginning a career in medical billing and coding, you will need to receive the proper training. Medical billers and coders can receive training either on the job or by completing an accredited training program. After completing an accredited program, graduates are eligible to take a certification examination and earn a valuable certificate in medical coding or billing. While billers and coders do not have to be certified, most employers prefer to hire professionals who have received their certification. If you want to enter the field as a certified professional, look for billing and coding classes offered by accredited vocational schools, community colleges, and online universities. To choose a high quality program, determine whether a school has been accredited by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP), or another trusted accrediting agency. Students who choose an accredited program will not only be eligible to receive their certification; they will also be taken seriously by future employers. If you need help finding an accredited school, you can visit the AHIMA or CAAHEP's website for a list of accredited programs. Certification programs typically take between nine and 12 months to complete. Some schools also offer associates and bachelor's degree programs as well as billing and coding classes for professionals who want to continue their education. Examples of medical billing and coding classes include medical terminology, billing management, anatomy and physiology, clinical classification systems, health information management, and CPT coding. There are several benefits to receiving your certification in medical billing and coding. Certified professionals will have more employment opportunities, opportunities for advancement, and higher pay. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, the median salary for health information technicians, which includes medical billers and coders, was $31,290 in 2009. The top 10% of these professionals earned over $50,000. The highest earners are typically those with the most experience and training. Even if you do not intend to become certified, taking a few medical billing and coding classes might help you enter the field. These classes will help you understand the terminology, technology, and responsibilities associated with the job. Even if you lack experience, these classes will provide you with the knowledge you need to become gainfully employed in billing and coding.

What degree is required to become Diagnostic medical sonographer?

The following is written by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for a diagnostic medical sonographer. Education and training. There are several avenues for entry into the field of diagnostic medical sonography. Sonographers may train in hospitals, vocational-technical institutions, colleges and universities, and the Armed Forces. Some training programs prefer applicants with a background in science or experience in other health care professions. Some also may consider high school graduates with courses in mathematics and science, as well as applicants with liberal arts backgrounds, but this practice is infrequent. Colleges and universities offer formal training in both 2- and 4-year programs, culminating in an associate or a bachelor's degree. Two-year programs are most prevalent. Course work includes classes in anatomy, physiology, instrumentation, basic physics, patient care, and medical ethics. A few 1-year programs that may result in a certificate also are accepted as proper education by employers. These programs typically are satisfactory education for workers already in health care who seek to increase their marketability by training in sonography. These programs are not accredited. The Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) accredited 147 training programs in 2006. These programs typically are the formal training programs offered by colleges and universities. Some hospital programs are accredited as well.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated at the bottom of this answer box.

Is it difficult to find job after ultrasound course?

It depends if your course is accredited or not. If your program is not accredited (by CAAHEP or something similar), you have to work as an ultrasound tech for an additional year after graduation before sitting for the registries, and it's hard to find a job that will let you do that. If your program is accredited and you are willing to relocate, you shouldn't have much trouble finding a job, especially if you are RVT or RDCS.

What degree can you receive to become an ultrasound technician?

The following is written by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for sonographers (ultrasound).There are several avenues for entry into the field of diagnostic medical sonography. Sonographers may train in hospitals, vocational-technical institutions, colleges or universities, or the Armed Forces. Some training programs prefer applicants with experience in other healthcare professions or high school graduates with courses in mathematics, health, and science.Colleges and universities offer formal training in both 2-year and 4-year programs, resulting in either an associate or a bachelor's degree. Two-year programs are the most prevalent. Coursework includes classes in anatomy, physiology, instrumentation, basic physics, patient care, and medical ethics. In 2008, the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) accredited over 150 training programs. Accredited programs are offered by colleges and universities. Some hospital programs are accredited as well.A few 1-year programs that typically result in a vocational certificate also are accepted as proper education by employers. These programs are useful usually only for workers already employed in a healthcare occupation who seek to increase their marketability by training in sonography. One-year vocational-certificate programs are not accredited by the CAAHEP.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated directly below this answer section.

How to Gain Medical Assistant Certification?

Medical assistant certification is one confident way to step foot into the medical world as a respected professional. Though certification is not required for medical assistants, gaining certification may act as a significant advantage over those who are not certified. Some of the benefits include a higher paying job, promotions, high employment rates, and the ability to perform specific job duties that noncertified assistants cannot.Finding Out if You Are Eligible for Medical Assistant CertificationFind out if you are eligible for medical assistant certification. In order to be eligible for medical assistant certification, you must have graduated from a medical assistant program that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Programs (CAAHEP) or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). Call the medical assistant program in which you attended to see if the program is credited. If you are not eligible or if you have already graduated from a medical assistant program that is not accredited, contact CAAHEP and ABHES to further explore your options Choosing the Type of Medical Assistant CertificationChoose which type of medical assistant certification you would like to apply for. Several options are available for certification. Some of the most recognized certification programs include Certified Medical Assistant (CMA), American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA), American Medical Technologists (AMT), and the National Healthcareer Association (NHA). Other associations include Certified Medical Assistant (CMA), Registered Medical Assistant (RMA), and Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA). Gaining Medical Assistant CertificationContact the certification of your choice. Note the requirements, fees, and deadlines for the certification. Some requirements for certification may include completing a number of continuing education hours, taking laboratory and clinical tests, and renewing medical credentials specified by the association. Most if not all certification associations will require you to enroll into their program and pass an examination. If an examination is required, study for it and schedule a day to take the exam.

How to Choose an Ultrasound School?

With the national economy still floundering, many unemployed individuals are using this opportunity to further their education. Often, technical training offers the most efficient route to a well-paying, marketable career. In fact, many people are turning to the field of ultrasound technology. When it comes to choosing an ultrasound school, there are many options. First, the student will need to decide whether he or she would prefer a technical program that focuses strictly on ultrasound training or if he would like a degree program that covers more general medical issues. For instance, the student may obtain an Associate’s Degree in Medical Assisting and then complete the remaining requirements to become an ultrasound technician. Many of these Associate’s Degree programs are available through online as well as brick-and-mortar schools. If a student chooses to pursue a technical program, she can find such programs in most major cities. Before choosing an ultrasound school, the student should make sure that it is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). There are nearly 2000 programs that are accredited by CAAHEP. Many community colleges as well as technical institutions offer CAAHEP accredited programs. Such accreditation will improve the student’s chances of landing a good job in the field of ultrasound technology. Other factors to consider when choosing an ultrasound program include: tuition and fees, available financial aid, length of the program, and student/instructor ratio. Students should meet with the program director as well as speak with former students of the program before making a final decision. Also, students may find it helpful to speak with practicing ultrasound technicians in order to glean their advice regarding choosing a school. After completing his training, the ultrasound technician can expect to find a favorable job market and excellent salary prospects. In fact, the median salary of diagnostic ultrasound technicians is $61,980. The high range of salaries for ultrasound technicians exceeds $80,000 per year. The field of ultrasound technology is expected to continue growing in coming years as the US population continues to age and medical technology advances. So, after devoting time to thoroughly research ultrasound technology programs, the student should diligently pursue her studies. Upon graduation, his efforts are likely to reward him with a promising, well-paying career in the field of ultrasound technology.