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Of course you do not need to be intelligent to be a narcissist. If the indvidual is a narcissist, they will perceive themself as intelligent even if they are not. It is merely a question of ego. I disagree- it takes a certain level of intelligence to manipulate- but i wouldn't say that they are geniouses!

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no. I've met a Narcissist name Karly who I argued with repeatedly and each final point in the argument was made by her against her because she was not smart enough to successfully play my mind games. I also met a narcissist allegedly named Sonia who was not smart enough to know that she can not be "12" "14" "15" and "almost 16" all at the same time yet she tried to tell people she was she also told me she was Australian and went through the trouble of giving me the correct time for Sydney Australia then turned around and said that she has lived in Europe her whole life. The truth is most narcissists I've encountered are not intelligent however some people would still say that they are intelligent. and that I am simply even more intelligent thus in my mind 1 out of the 3 narcissists that I know are intelligent, me being that 1

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This is the correct spelling. Narcissists.

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