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No, there is garbage DNA at the ends of the chromosomes (Telomere).

The telomere does have a purpose but it does not get used for instructions to create fingers or modify skin complexion etc.

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Q: Are all of the genes in a cell used?
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What gene goes to the sex cell?

Many genes, whatever genes are on the chromosomes used to create the cell. look it up.

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Several factors play into introducing new genes into a cell. Plasmids act as a vector to introduce new genes into a cell.

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What are genes used for?

Genes are used to produce a certain protein or protein components for the cell and as a means to transport this information to the next generation.

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Do all body cells activate the same genes?

All body cells have the same genes except for the sex cells (sperm and ova). They do not use the same genes. A muscle cell isn't using the same genes as a nerve cell does. Otherwise the muscle cell and the nerve cell would not be different nor do different things.

What is DNA used for in a cell?

some DNA in chromosomes contains of genes.!!

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Where are your genes located in a cell?

Genes are coded into the the DNA in the nucleus of a cell.

How does DNA technology transfer bacteria genes from cell to cell?

DNA technology will transfer bacteria genes from cell to cell.

What would happen if all the genes in a cell were always active?

If all genes in a cell were always active, it could lead to chaos and dysfunction in the cell. Gene expression needs to be tightly regulated to ensure that the right genes are active at the right time and in the right amount. Without proper regulation, the cell might not be able to function correctly, leading to potential problems such as uncontrolled growth or cell death.