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Not neccesarily. Some have smallerpetals of a different colour and scent on them.

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10y ago

sepals,pistils,patels,anther of different plants

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Q: Are all petals on one flower the same?
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Can a flower have the same amount of petals?

any flower can have the same amount of petals you jut have to find the right one.

How many petals in ilang ilang?

ilang-ilang has 8 petals in one flower.

What is polypetalous flower?

A polypetalous flower is a flower in which the corolla consists of separate petals. The petals are not fused, or connate, but instead distinct from one another. Polypetalous is the opposite of Gamopetalous, which means the corolla consists of fused petals. Synonyms for Polypetalous is Apopetalous, meaning petals distinct, and Choripetalous, meaning multiple petals distinct.

How many stamens in flower?

A carnation flower only has one pistil. The number of stamens that are on the flower is either the same, or sometimes it can be double the number of petals.

What is the plural possessive for flower's petals?

The plural form of the noun flower is flowers.The plural possessive form is flowers' petals.Example: It took a lot of flowers' petals to fill the flower girl's basket.Note: The form flower's petals is the possessive form of the petals of one flower (singular possessive).

What is incomplete flowers?

An incomplete flower is when a flower doesn't have one of these characteristics, stamen, a pistil, petals, and sepals. An incomplete flower lacks one of these.

What do petals do to help the flower?

# because they just are okay.! # because with out petals they would be UGLY.

What is the difference between complete flowers and incomplete flowers?

Incomplete flower One which lacks any one or more of these parts; calyx, corolla, stamens, and pistils. And Complete flowers contain both the male and female parts (stamen and pistil) as well as sepals and petals. Hope it helps

What does thirteen petals on a lotus flower mean?

In some spiritual practices, a lotus flower with thirteen petals is said to symbolize the harmony of the universe and unity of body, mind, and spirit. Each petal may represent virtues such as patience, purity, and self-realization.

What are parts of a typical flower?

petals, sepals, pistils, stamens PETALS: the part of the perianth that is usually brightly colored to attract the insects for pollination. SEPALS: one of he green parts that form the calyx of a flower, which keep all the flower part safe and firm. PISTILS: the female ovule-bearing part of a flower composed of ovary and style and stigma. STAMEN: the male reproductive organ of a flower.

How does a flower get its smell?

The petals of the flower are the source of the fragrances. The petals house tiny glands that produce essential, or volatile, oils that vaporize easily, often releasing a distinctive aroma. One flower can make dozens of different essential oils, which mingle to yield the flower's unique fragrance.

How do petals help a plant become pollinated?

Flower petal's colors attract the bees which carry the pollen from one plant to another.