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Q: Are all tadpoles in a pond the same age?
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What eats tadpoles in a pond?

Birds, racoons, and fish all eat tadpoles

If one thousand tadpoles hatched at the same time and into a small pond will all of the tadpoles survive?

No they won't most of them will eat each other if they have no food or if the larger tadpoles a hungry they will eat the smaller and weaker tadpoles. And some will die from mosquito larvae and adult mosquitoes and will be eaten by larger fish if they are in the wild.

Are all tadpoles the same?

yes but all tadopoles look the same.

What happened to the tadpoles in your pond?

They are metamorphosed and became terrestrial or they were eaten bij insect larva, fish or other animals.

What would happen if water beetles died?

The population of water snails, tadpoles, and stickleback would become higher because the water beetles would not be eating them. Then the tadpoles, sticklebacks, and water snails would eat all the food that all the other insects in the pond were eating.

What animals live in pond?

Ducks, geese, small fish, tadpoles, frogs, turtles and insects.

Are kelp seaweed algae and pond scum all the same thing?

No. Seaweed is actually good for a pond, but pond scum (most of the time) isn't

How do tadpoles get in the pool?

You can always buy tadpoles and a pet store, and put them in your pond. I am sure that it will also happen naturally. "Build a pond and they will come," or something like that. If there are frogs in your neighborhood they will find your pond. I would suggest, though, that you do not turn tadpoles that you bought in a pet store loose in your pond. When they turn into frogs they may become an "invasive species" and upset the balance of your eco-system. Some frogs eat other frogs and even birds. (

Do tadpoles lay 2 eggs a day?

Tadpoles do not lay eggs at all. Tadpoles are the young frogs or toads that hatch from eggs.

Does all tadpoles have hind legs?

all tadpoles only have hind legs durning the transformation of a tadpole turning into a frog.

What is the food chain for ponds?

There is no specific food chain for a pond unless you are talking about a specific pond, because not all ponds have the same animal life. That is all I can really tell you.

How long do frogs look after tadpoles?

in till the tadpoles hatch. then when they all hatch the mother and father leave them