

Are all the Build-a-Bearville nature walk items outside?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Are all the Build-a-Bearville nature walk items outside?
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Build-a-Bearville where are all the environmental nature walk items hidden at?

Just go to and type in buildabearville insider and click on the 1st link!!!!!

Build a bear ville nature walk?

To play the nature walk you have to go to the pawsitively green center and click on the recycle sign at the top of the building.You need to find 5 nature stuff to earn a pawsome prize.Good luck! CourtneyBear497 A buildabearville player

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You take a walk outside

Where are the items on the nature walk on build a bear?

Its diffrent every time

Where are the Build-a-Bearville nature walk items?

i am affaid to tell you but every time you do this it will be different

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its different for each person so theres not really a answer for that but you can do the enviromentally green nature walk again and youll get 200 bearbills

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they are in a different place every day

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Items for the Environmentally Pawsome Nature Walk can be found: Furbulous Fashion District Pawforming Arts Center Sportsplex Paw Park Friendship Forest Park Meadow Farm Path Entrance

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Items for the Environmentally Pawsome Nature Walk can be found in the following locations: 1. Furbulous Fashion District 2. Pawforming Arts Center (outside) 3. Bear University 4. Sportsplex 5. Paw Park 6. Friendship Forest Park 7. Meadow 8. Farm 9. Path 10. Entrance Have fun searching! :)

Where are all the items for the nature walk on babv?

It varies. They hide different items in different places each time you do it. Plus, it's different for every user. So I couldn't be exact. Sorry.

How do you organize a walk on Build-a-Bearville?

I suppose you could advertise it by sending Bearmails to all your friends telling them about the walk, where it is, where it will go and when it is. You could also go around different areas of buildabearville and tell everyone you meet about it. Or you could contact the buildabearville 'people' and get them to organize one for you officially by posting information on it in the Bearville Times or something. Hope this helped!

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cause you get to do nothing and its about a stuff bear?? and weird little people who walk and mission ughh so boring