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Just go to and type in buildabearville insider and click on the 1st link!!!!!

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Q: Build-a-Bearville where are all the environmental nature walk items hidden at?
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How do you sell clothes for your pet on Build-a-Bearville?

You can sell items on buildabearville but not furry friend items.

How do you get Build-a-Bearville manager items?

To get buildabearville manager items you have to work at babw and be a acual manager so they are very rare :)

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Yeah now it has a hidden game and if you find all the hidden items then you get a Moonstone Gem. Its Limited Addition!!

Are there any hidden items in lps Wii game?

no, I don't think there is any hidden items in this game

What is a buildabearville code?

a buildabearville code is 12 letters and numbers or just numbers put together into a code. which u can use at the build-a-bear-workshop at the town square to get free items, money, or u can use the code to bring a animal to life. one buildabearville code is '''TK3Z-6V8PV48L another code is milk-rcks-2008 '''

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on shopping and ur house

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yes fantage does have hidden items

Where are hidden items in poptropica?

all over it!

Where do you get hidden items in poptropica?

find it anywhere

How do you pick up the hidden items in Pokemon Black and White?

stand on the"x" then step back a space point at the hidden items spot and press "a"

Where can you get a waitress apron?

First you have to go to club penguin cheats and it will show you hidden items if your a member you can buy the hidden items just type down on Google club penguin hidden items in the catalog and look through you will find it eventually. ThankYou xx :).....

What are the secret items and places in Pokemon Emerald?

There are secret items hidden in Petalburg City and Route 104 (1st Part). Some of the hidden items are rare candy and heart scales.