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Yes except for brain cells that after age 35 are not replaced when they die

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Q: Are all the cells in your bodies continually replaced as you age?
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Which is the main reason cells are replaced in the?

Cells age, wear out and die. If they weren't replaced, we'd die, a lot sooner than we do today.

Which is the main reason cells are replaced in the body?

because if they didnt get replaced then you would lack the cells. and you would die. i think.

Is it possible to continue building bone after age 30?

Bone is continually being recycled and replaced, it happens about every 7 years while young and slows down in old age, but even when you are old your bones are no more than a decade or so old.

Do you ever get new brain cells as you get older?

Yes, up to a certain point. Once you reach a certain age you will lose thousands of brain cells daily, and they will never be replaced again.

What is the organ that continually releases gametes from puberty through age?

Gametes are single male or female cells that go on and cause reproduction. They are released from the testes in males and the ovaries in females once the person has reached Puberty.

Is a muscle cell permanent?

No, its not, due to the constant process of muscle cells dying from old age, hits, and other things. They are then replaced through the process of mitosis, or cell replication.

Is the universe changing?

Yes. Not only is space itself stretching continually, but stars and galaxies too are continually being born, dying, moving along typical paths of development as they age.

How do older mens bodies allow them to produce sperm late in life?

Men are a sperm producing factory. Because they are making sperm their bodies are already old and getting older and since it takes so much effort to convert normal cells into sperm cells, they are lacking energy and health. Sperm is to be conserved especially in old age if the elderly wants a longer and healthy life.

Which cells would you expect mitosis to occur more often adult persons skin or adult persons teeth?

The skin is always shedding and has to be constantly replaced from lower layers. The teeth are not being replaced. They are eroded and not rebuilt as we age.

How do people and children get bigger and not smaller?

As you grow, there is a cell in your body when you're a baby. As the cell multiplies into more cells, you grow. The more cells there are, the more complex that organism is. Cells are continually multiplying and dying off, to be replaced by new cells. How much we grow is decided by our hormones and our genetic makeup, that is, what our parents were like. For example, tall parents are more likely to have children who also grow into tall adults. People do actually shrink when they get older. The discs between the vertebra in a person's spine compress together over time, and this makes people actually shrink slightly with age. Osteoporosis also causes people to shrink with age, as it causes bones to break down, and new bone growth doesn't take place as the bones are missing vital components to help them regenerate.

Do older people have more cells than babies?

No, older people generally have fewer cells than babies. As we age, the number of cells in our bodies may decrease due to factors such as cell death and reduced cell division. Babies, on the other hand, are growing rapidly, so they tend to have a higher number of cells compared to older individuals.

How does age changes affect the heart?

Our bodies wear out, like all things, as we age.