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No. The only stars you can see are within our own galaxy, the Milky Way. The Andromeda Galaxy is a faint smudge of light 2.5 million light years away, beneath the constellation Cassiopeia.

Most of the stars you can see are within a couple hundred light years. A few, like Deneb, are several thousand light years away--and just extremely bright.

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Q: Are all the stars in the night sky you can see only from the Andromeda galaxy?
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What is similar to the milky way?

The Andromeda Galaxy is similar to our galaxy. It is only a little bit bigger, and has more stars.

Is the Andromeda galaxy in the Northern Hemisphere?

The Andromeda Galaxy can be seen from the northern hemisphere. Above the 45th parallel it is circumpolar, meaning you can see it pretty much any time of the night. If you know where Cassiopeia is, the Andromeda Galaxy is a fuzzy patch of light visible to the naked eye (on really dark nights) between that asterism (the Flying W) and the constellation of Andromeda. The five bright stars that make up Cassiopeia--Andromeda is below the W. The rim stars are dim, even through a good 14" telescope you can generally only make out the core stars. Otherwise the galaxy would appear a bit larger than our own moon, from our perspective here on earth. Andromeda is 2.5 million light years away, and a bit bigger than our galaxy.

What characteristics do Andromeda galaxy stars have?

Basically, the same characteristics that the stars in the Milky Way - our own galaxy - have. Aside from the fact that Andromeda is somewhat bigger, the two galaxies are thought by astronomers to be very much alike. When Edwin Hubble studied the Andromeda Galaxy in the early 20th century, he was able to discern within it several "Cephid variable" stars, which proved, among other things, that Andreomeda was a galaxy, like ours. Prior to that time, it was believed that the Milky Way was the only galaxy - the others were "clouds".

What is unusual about the Andromeda galaxy?

The Andromeda galaxy is unique in being the galaxy nearest the Milky Way (the galaxy in which we live), as well as being the only 'foreign' galaxy visible to the naked eye.

What is unusual about Andromeda galaxy?

The Andromeda galaxy is unique in being the galaxy nearest the Milky Way (the galaxy in which we live), as well as being the only 'foreign' galaxy visible to the naked eye.

Why was the Andromeda galaxy named after the Goddess Andromeda?

Andromeda was not a Greek goddess, she was the wife of Perseus and the only mother of his children. The galaxy was named for her because it's placement in the constellation named for her.

What life is on Andromeda galaxy?

Currently, we do not know of any life that exists within the Andromeda galaxy. Our planet is the only place we know that has life on it.

What is the name of some of the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy?

When you look up into the night sky, there is only one thing yo can see (with good seeing conditions) that is outside of our galaxy, and that is the Andromeda Galaxy. Every other thing you see in the night sky is here in our galaxy. Any basic book on astronomy gives the names of scores of well-known stars. Just a small handful here: Castor, Pollux, Rigel, Sirius, Vega, Polaris, Spica, Regulus.

Are there planets that life can be on in the Andromeda Galaxy?

The Andromeda Galaxy is the largest galaxy in the local cluster. This means that it contains more stars than the Milky Way and more stars mean more planets. Considering that scientist estimate that there could be thousands on planets with intelligent life in our own galaxy it would be logical to assume the same about the Andromeda Galaxy.

How far is Andromeda galaxy from the Sun?

About 2.5 million light years from Earth, but since the Earth and Sun are only 8 light minutes apart, there isn't that much of a difference in how far the Andromeda Galaxy is from the Sun or Earth. So the Andromeda Galaxy is about 2.5 million light years from the Sun and Earth.

How many stars can be seen from earth without telescope?

Something like 4,000 to 6,000 . (Not counting the billions in the Andromeda galaxy, which you can see with your eyes alone, but only as a fuzzy patch, not as separate stars.)

Are all the stars you see in night inside the solar system or outside your galaxy?

No. All the stars you see at night are in our galaxy, but outside of the solar system. The only star in our solar system is the one at its center: the sun.