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Spikes should be removeable because they wear out pretty easily. If your spikes don't come out there is something wrong with your shoe.

It is only bad to run with your spikes still on when you're not running on track or grass. NEVER run with spikes on concrete or anything else!!! It is not bad to run around with no spikes on your shoes, I do it all the time :)

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Q: Are all track spikes removable Is it bad to take them off your shoe and then run with them?
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Are all track spikes removable - Is it bad to take them off your shoe and then run with them?

Track spikes do not have a lot of support for your feet. Some have better support than others. For example, sprinter spikes do not have a heel or an arch. Distance spikes have some cushion for the heel. Overall, it is bad to run in spikes but you can still do it. Some work better than others though. It would be a better idea to run in distance spikes than sprinter spikes.

Can you wash your track spikes if you take the spikes out?

never wash your track shoes they will get messed up. Wash them by hand instead. Also don't put them into the drier either. the heat from the drier will melt your shoes.

What material is used to make spike in running shoe?

Track shoes with spikes on the bottom help you improve your run greatly. They are only used for field events and sprinting however. Some meets and clubs require that you have certain lengths of spikes. They skrew in and are easy to take in and out. Your form should be developed before you start using them and are not recommended for younger kids. These shoes are usually light-weight and can cost anywhere from $20-$120.

Where can you get replacement spikes for your high jump shoes?

You should be able to get them at any sporting goods store. Probably you want 3/8" spikes, because on most high jump shoes the spikes are recessed into the platform-like bottom of the shoe. You'd probably trip if they were longer and you wouldn't want anything longer than that on any decent high jump surface. Make sure you put the heel spikes in, because they help you get a more secure plant when you take off. Take it from a 7'1" high jumper-just so you know your source is credible.

What field event do the athletes wear spiked shoes that have spikes in the heels?

There are spiked heels in javelin boots and on the take-off shoe in high jump.

How do you install track spikes?

To install a track spike, first take the threaded part of the spike and insert it into one of the holes at the bottom of your track cleat. Turn the spike clockwise to tighten it until you can no longer turn it. To fully tighten the spike, you will need a spike wrench which you should turn clockwise until the spike fully tightens. You will repeat the same process for all of your track spikes.

What is the difference between track shoes and high jump shoes?

Well, I don't have experience with these specific types of shoes, but I do have several years of working in retail shoe stores, so will take an educated guess on this one. Most likely, track shoes are geared towards running, so will be slightly curved to aid in the running motion, will have soles that grip the ground, and will have cushioning mainly in the heels to absorb the shock of running. High jump shoes are probably more flexible to accommodate the motion of jumping, and probably have cushioning at the ball of the feet, to absorb shock upon landing, which most likely occurs at the ball of the foot.

Where can I buy new track and field shoes?

Most stores specializing in sports equipment will carry shoes that are specifically made for track and field. Some examples of stores that will carry them are Dick's, Play It Again Sports, and Sports Authority. In addition, their are many online retailers that carry track and field shoes. Try looking at, or

What is the verb of removable?

Take off, obviously ! 

Do they plow race tracks with a tractor?

They take a tractor that has a contraption attached to it with spikes and drive around the dirt or synthetic track in between races. They will often have two or three out at a time. On the turf tracks they have people that go around the whole track and will look for loose pieces of turf.

What is the use of spikes in animals?

The purpose of running spikes are to provide traction as well as minimizing the chances of slipping. The spikes for a distance runner tend to be larger than spikes used by a sprinter.

Why does Knuckles the Echidna have spikes on his hands?

They are part of his hands. Take a look at this picture:Somehow, he was born with them.He uses his spikes for fighting.