

Are alligator claws deadly

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: Are alligator claws deadly
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Are a lion's claws deadly?

yes they are deadly they can claw your face out

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What are some deadly animals that start with the letter A?

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What is the most deadly turtle in the world?

alligator snapping turtle

What is worse a scorpion sting or claw?

It depends on the size comparison. If the claws are big and the tail is smaller in comparison then the venom from the scorpion isn't that deadly and the claws are worse . However if the claws are small and the tail looks chunky then the venom is more than likely deadly which means the sting is worse. So it all depends on the comparison between the claws and the tail.

What deadly birds live in India?

There do not seem to be an giant deadly birds living in India but there is a sometimes a virus carried by chickens that can make them deadly. Hawks and vultures should probably be avoided because they have sharp claws and beaks.

What is the allosaurus' most deadly weapon?

The Allosaurus's most deadly weapons were its teeth and jaws. The claws on its hands could be used as weapons, too, although they weren't nearly as lethal.

What is a lynxs defense?

A lynx has large paws with sharp claws and a nasty set of teeth to boot.

What is a alligators defense?

An alligator can bite with over 20kN of force, whip any attacker with it's strong tail or scratch them with it's claws

What is a wolf weapon?

Claws a wolf's greatest weapon/ most preferred weapon is its teeth, wolf canines are very deadly

Who would win in a fight a nile crocodile or a American alligator?

Nile Crocodile, because more deadly and 200 attacks per year.

What makes an animal deadly?

Animals can be deadly for various different reasons. Some species of snake have deadly venom. Elephants are big enough to kill people by stepping on them. Lions have sharp claws and strong muscles. Aligators can pull people underwater and drown them. And so forth.