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In most cases, no - Stetsons are typically produced from wool felt, which doesn't require the sheep to die. However, if you have a leather Stetson, an animal did die for the hide to be harvested to be turned into the leather.

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Q: Are animals killed in order to produce a stetson hat?
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The most common thing that produces something for living things is plants. Plants produce oxygen as a waste product of their food making process known as photosynthesis. Humans and animals need oxygen in order to breathe.

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Animals and plants are organic sources of food. In its most general sense, the term organic designates living things. Living animals will be killed and living plants will be plucked in order for there to be organic sources of drinkables and edibles.

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Should people become vegetarian's to save the planet?

No, consuming animals has nothing to do with the planet's survival. Chickens and pigs are not going extinct, and it actually helps produce economy for the world. Being vegetarian is a choice ofdecidingwhetheror notyou think that killing these animals is wrong. I personally think that vegetarians are not right, but also not wrong. The animal is going to be killed anyway, so why not get the protein. Just eat meat, it's the natural order of things. We are omnivores for a reason. That being said, if you still don't agree with the killing and consumption of animals, be a vegetarian.

How do plants depend on animals for survival?

Animals pollinate plants, ensuring reproduction and fertilization. Animals also produce carbon dioxide, a gas necessary to plants in order for photosynthesis to occur. Besides this, dead animals are eventually broken down to enrich the soil that plants grow in.

What is the definition of a strict heterotroph?

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