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They could either be very aggresive or very passive, it varies.

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Q: Are animals that are mistreated dangerous to handle?
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Related questions

Are mistreated animal dangerous to handle?

Danger of mistreated animals depend on each individual animal. Some are dangerous to handle, some prefer one gender over another, and some have no problems at all.

How often is an animal mistreated?

There are animals mistreated daily about 1 of 10 pets are mistreated.

Why shouldn't animals be mistreated?

Explain to yourself why you should not be mistreated and you will have the answer.

How many animals have been mistreated?

Let's have a party.

Are animals mistreated at sea world?

No they are well cared for

Are animals in carnivals and zoos frequently mistreated?


How many domesticated animals are mistreated each year?

This is a very ambiguous question because it depends a lot on how you define 'mistreated'.

Why should animals not be mistreated?

Animals do not deserved to be mistreated. Animals are on this Earth for a reason. I'm not sure what the reason is but, I know its not to be abused. Animals like us have feelings and feel pain much like we do. animals are less intelligent than us so we need to look after them it is our responsibility as the most intelligent creature on earth

What weight is dangerous?

the weight which you can't handle is dangerous

What is their advocacy of PETA?

PETA is a non-profit organization that helps to protect abused animals. They advocate on the side of animals so they are not mistreated.

A sentence for mistreat?

She was mistreated by her husband after the marriage. This is a sentence for mistreat word in it.

What are the dangerous animals like in Kenya?

They are dangerous.