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Antigens are foreign proteins that your immune system can recognize as being harmful to your body, so it produces antibodies that memorize the antigen protein so it can launch an immune response if it ever again invades your body.

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Q: Are antigens produced by white blood cells and attack substances that may be harmful to the body?
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What are the natural defenses that your body has against harmful substances and disease?

Your body uses antibodies to attack any harmful substances in your body. These harmful substances are called antigens.

Specialized cells that attack foreign substances upon recognizing the foreign surface antigens are called?


What is the difference between antibodies and antigens?

Antigen is a substance that can induce the generation of antibodies, any substance that can induce immune response. Antibody is a protective protein produced by the body in response to an antigen.

What forms in the blood to help fight invading antigens?

Antibodies. Also, white blood cells attack foreign substances in the blood.

Do antibodies attack extracellular or intracellular antigens?

Antibodies can attack both extracellular and intracellular antigens.

What is the difference between antibodies and antitoxins?

Antibodies attach to antigens preventing them from attacking cells in the body. Antitoxins attack antigens and destroy them

When the antibodies in the patient's serum attack antigens on the erythrocytes in donor blood this is known as?

When the antibodies in the patient's serum attack antigens on the erythrocytes in donor blood, this is known as red blood cell incompatibility. Patients should receive blood with the same ABO and Rh(D) classification. A and B are dissimilar antigens on the red cells. The immune system recognizes antigens as foreign. O cells do not have A or B antigens.

How does a B cell tell the difference between an invader cell and a body cell?

Antigens work as bar-codes to help the immune system differentiate between body cells and pathogens. Normally the body will not attack its own cells, but is programmed to attack those with foreign antigens.

Why the A antibody of the AB recipient does not atack the donor A antigen on blood?

Having AB blood means you already have both A and B antigens in your organisms, so you DON'T have the antibodies, the A antigen doesn't affect the AB recipient 'cause it doesn't consider it as foreign (it's the same for the B antigen)

What do killer cells attack?

toxic substances

What mounts the attack against particular foreign substances?

The immune system reacts to foreign substances.

What do white blood cells attack in the body?

They attack germs and microorganisms they deem may be harmful to the body.