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No they aren't unhealthy...most energy drinks contain a high dosage of sugar, guarana, and caffeine which keep the blood pumping. It's not unhealthy to have a can of Red Bull or Monster, but it IS unhealthy to have a can everyday as it can lead to health risks such as high blood pressure and all that bad stuff. Everything is unhealthy if you abuse it...even water. Its all about putting a limit on what you consume and how much you consume.

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Q: Are any ingredients of energy drinks unhealthy?
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Why is soda unhealthy?

Soda is unhealthy because it has a large amount of sugar- that is to make drinks fizzy and match the type. It depens on how much sugar there are in other fizzy drinks. However, if you drink soda or any other fizz drinks too much, it is VERY unhealthy I hope this had helped :-)

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Are sobe adrenaline rush energy drinks safe to drink?

Well they are like energy drinks with the same heart risks as Monster, Rock star or any others but the risks are less probable to happen. But they are very dangerous to kids because they have harmful ingredients like Ginseng and Gorana.

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No. Energy drinks just fill you up with sugar, and you lose more energy than you gain.

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* * *

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orange juice oranges energy drinks can be any fruit

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If sugar is present in any recipe in high amounts, then the recipe is an unhealthy choice.

When reading a recipe's ingredients which substance makes the recipe an unhealthy choice if it is present in a high amount?

If sugar is present in any recipe in high amounts, then the recipe is an unhealthy choice.

Is there horse pee in monster energy drinks?

No.Like most energy drinks, Monster drinks include taurine, an organic acid which can be found in the lower intestines of many animals, including humans and bulls. It is because this chemical was originally found in ox bile that rumors started about the source of taurine in food products.Any taurine that you see in an ingredients list will have been synthesized in a lab, not extracted from an animal.

Is soda an energy drink?

no they dont because when i have energy drinks before i go to school it doesnt give me any energy

Does energy drinks have any nicknames?

ed or barty depends on the size.

Where can I find some energy gel?

Energy gel is just the latest in the fad of high energy drinks and works on the same principles as most do. Any drugstore or convenience store sells energy gel drinks now.