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No, there are no maxillary teeth along the lower jaw of a frog.

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Q: Are any maxillary teeth also felt along the lower jaw edge in a frog?
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Which Maxillary nerves supply to maxillary teeth?

The maxillary teeth are supplied by the following branches of the Maxillary nerve, which is itself a branch of the Trigeminal nerve:-Anterior Superior Alveolar Nerve: Upper incisors and caninesMiddle Superior Alveolar Nerve: Upper premolarsPosterior Superior Alveolar Nerve: Upper molar, and also upper premolars in the absence of the Middle SAN.

What is the function of the maxillary?

If you mean the maxillary bone, this is formed by fusion of 2 maxilla bones. They form the palate or the roof of the mouth. This bone also contains the upper teeth in adult. If this does not fused during prenatal development, a child will have a split palate and or a harelip.

What are buck teeth?

Buck teeth, or the more accurate, technical term: overjet, is a phrase used to describe a particular type of maloclussion where the maxillary incisors, the two upper front teeth, project forward to such a degree that they are very prominent and obvious. In some cases these teeth actually rest on the lower lip while the subject is in the postural, resting position. Often the surrounding upper teeth are also projected forward in an arc but are hidden behind the lips so that the appearance results in only the two front teeth "sticking out" of the mouth.

What is a mouth bone called?

The bones of the mouth are, for the upper teeth, the skull, and for the lower teeth, the mandible. Teeth are also a type of bone.

The bone that holds you bottom teeth?

Mandible is the lower jaw and maxible is the upper jaw.

Why do you get a toothache when you have a severe cold?

they hurt because the sinuses locate right above your mouth are irritated or because your cold could actually be a sinus infection. If your teeth hurt, especially your molars, then mor than likely it is a sinus infection vs a cold.

Do baby back teeth come out?

Tooth eruption (in) sequence Primary (baby) teeth: A. the 2 lower central incisors +4 upper incisors B. upper and lower first molars (bicuspids) C. upper and lower cuspids (canine) D. upper and lower second molars Secondary (adult) teeth: A. upper and lower central incisors and first molars B. upper and lower lateral incisors C. upper and lower molars (bicuspids) D. upper and lower second molars E. upper and lower third molars (about 18 years old)

Do Frog have teeth?

Yes, frogs have teeth. They are carnivores and, not only do they catch and eat insects, but they even catch tiny mammals such as bats, so they need teeth to help them grip larger prey. Frogs do not use their teeth for chewing, but for gripping the food.Frogs' eyes actually push down into their heads to help with the swallowing process. They use the muscles attached to the roof of their mouth which also happens to be attached to the bottom of their eyes. Frogs do have teeth, however, not a full set. The frog does not chew it's food, so no back teeth are needed, but a couple teeth at the front are present, to hold it's prey in place. Actually, yes!Most frogs do in fact have teeth of a sort.They have a ridge of very small cone teeth around the upper edge of the jaw. These are called Maxillary Teeth.Frogs often also have what are called Vomerine Teeth on the roof of their mouth.They don't have anything that could be called teeth on their lower jaw, so they usually swallow their food whole. The so-called "teeth" are mainly used to hold the prey and keep it in place till they can get a good grip on it and squash their eyeballs down to swallow their meal.Toads, however, do NOT have any teeth.

What are mandibles?

You, as a human and as a mammal have one mandible. This is the bone of the lower jaw and contains teeth. The upper jaw bone is called the maxilla, also containing teeth. Both jaws have a range of number of teeth depending on age and other factors.

Why does a cow have no upper teeth?

Because, through the process of evolution, ruminants have had no need for upper teeth. Cows also do not have flexible lips like horses do, so upper teeth are not needed. Instead they use their powerful tongues to grab and help rip forage from their stems with their lower incisors. Their lower incisors are also angled outwards (away from the mouth) to help with shearing and tearing off plants to eat.

Mucosal thickening within the maxillary sinus?

Maxillary antrum is also known as maxillary sinus and is the biggest of the paranasal sinuses. Mucosal thickening within the maxillary antrum is one of the signs of sinusitis.

How do you cure yellowed teeth?

how to cure yellow teeth. . . make up a little mixture: bicarboniate of soda and lemon juice. mix it together and brush onto your teeth leave for 5minutes and rinse off. and you will be yellow teeth free! =)