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Q: Are automatic knives legal to carry in North Carolina?
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I have about 5 or 6 butterfly knives. and all of them have the blade between and at 3 in a half to 4 inches long. Are butterfly knives illegal in North Carolina to carry?

the blade was to be the width of your palm. I hope i answered your question

Are stiletto knives illegal to carry in Minnesota?

yes as long as its under 5 in ( 4in in the twin cities ) and it cant be automatic

In what states can you legally buy automatic knives?

Automatic, Butterfly, Out the front, spring-assisted and such knives are legal to purchase in 8 states. Some include Oregon, Arizona, Texas. In California, for an automatic to be legal, it has to be less than 3 inches total length (including handle). In Oregon, you can buy and sell automatic and Out-the-front knives, and you can carry them, but they cannot be concealed. Clipping them to your pocket is considered concealed.

Are butterfly knives legal in South Carolina?

I've looked through every South Carolina knife law I can find, and I can't see anything about specific types of knives being illegal. I was looking for butterfly knives and switchblades in particular. The only relevant law I found was you can't carry any type of concealed weapon without a permit. Short answer: Yes, but not concealed carry.

What states is it legal to carry a switch blade knife or automatic knife in Tennessee?

Yes it is elegal to carry switch blade butterfly and automatic knives any where in the usa . you could do it any way though but you should get a different knife.

What is the legal knife length in North Carolina?

A standard pocket knife or folding knife no longer than 4.5 inches in the closed position is legal to carry. I believe daggers, bowie, spring loaded or butterfly knives are not legal to carry.

Can you carry a spring loaded knife in North Carolina as a convicted felon?


Can you open carry in North Carolina?

Only with a Concealed Handgun Permit.

Can police officers carry automatic opening knives in Indiana?

police officers can do whatever the hell they want, as can anyone else, as long as they dont get caught

Is it legal to own an automatic knife in Missouri?

Yes. Possession of automatic knives in MO is now legal as of July 10 2012. Carry of an auotmatic knife is also legal as long as it is not in violation of Federal law.

Can you carry a machete in your car in north Carolina?

Yes, but it must be kept out of reach.

Is it legal to own nunchuks in North Carolina?

You can own them, you just can't carry them.