


Knives are one of the most versatile tools of all times. They are used everyday in the kitchen for chopping up chicken and for fine detailing small fruits. Campers use them to cut rope and clean fish. Most soldiers and rescue personnel would not be caught without one. Some knives are kept just for the collector's value.

1,237 Questions

Why are knives sharpened at the end?

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Knives are sharpened at the end because that is where the cutting action takes place. A sharp edge allows the knife to easily slice through objects without applying too much force. It also helps in creating smooth and precise cuts.

How many microns thick is a bronze knife edge?

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A bronze knife edge is typically around 25-50 microns thick. The precise thickness can vary depending on the specific design and manufacturing process of the knife.

What is the best filet knife to use for skinning Perch?

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"Although it may be a bit of an investment, the best way to skin Perch is probably with an electric fillet knife. They usually retail for about twenty dollars."

What causes rust on a knife?

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Rust on a knife is typically caused by exposure to moisture and oxygen, leading to the oxidation of the metal. This is more likely to happen if the knife is not properly dried after use or stored in a humid environment. Low-quality stainless steel or other metals with poor corrosion resistance are also more prone to rusting.

What simple machine is a knife blade?

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A knife blade is considered a wedge, which is a type of simple machine. When force is applied to the knife blade, it allows for the cutting of materials by separating them along the sharp edge.

Does a blunt ir a sharp knife have a higher pressure?

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A sharp knife would have a higher pressure as it concentrates the force over a smaller area compared to a blunt knife. This allows for easier cutting through objects with less force applied.

Can you cut calcium with a knife?

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No, calcium is a metal and cannot be cut with a knife. It is a hard and brittle material that would require a specialized cutting tool, such as a hacksaw or grinder, to cut through.

Why it is easier to cut with a sharp knife than blunt knife?

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area of the edge of the blade is smaller for a sharp knife. so for the same force the pressure under the blade will be greater and smaller force required to give the same pressure.

What is the most expensive folding knife?

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The most expensive folding knife is the Nesmuk Folding Knife, crafted by Nesmuk Solingen. It is made with a 5,000-year-old oak handle, 640 layers of carbon steel, and comes with a price tag of around $38,000.

Why is knife not a simple machine?

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A knife is not considered a simple machine because its primary function is to cut or slice by applying force to a sharp edge, rather than transferring or transforming mechanical energy as simple machines do. It does not have any moving parts or internal mechanisms that provide mechanical advantage.

Can transition metals be cut with a knife?

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No, transition metals are typically hard and have high melting points, making them difficult to cut with a knife. Specialized tools such as a saw or grinder would be needed to cut through transition metals.

Which can be cut with a knife chromium or dysprosium?

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Chromium can be cut with a knife because it is a relatively soft metal. Dysprosium, on the other hand, is a hard and dense metal that cannot be easily cut with a knife.

A knife is what simple machine?

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A wedge

Is it possible to swing a sword fast enough to create a vacuum?

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No, it is not physically possible for a human to swing a sword fast enough to create a vacuum. The speed required to create a vacuum would be beyond human capabilities and would violate the laws of physics.

How does a knife make work easier?

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A knife makes work easier by cutting, slicing, and chopping through materials such as food, paper, or fabric with greater precision and efficiency than using other tools. Its sharp blade reduces the effort required to complete tasks like preparing ingredients for cooking or cutting materials to size.

Is a knife a simple machine?

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Yes, a knife is considered a simple machine. It is specifically categorized as a wedge, one of the six classic simple machines.

Why does a sharp knife cut better than a dull knife?

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A sharp knife has a finer edge and can slice through objects with less force compared to a dull knife. This is because the sharp edge of the knife can easily penetrate the material, whereas a dull edge will crush and tear the material, making it harder to cut through.

Why is sodium not used to make knives and forks?

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Sodium is not used to make knives and forks because it is a highly reactive metal that reacts vigorously with air and water, which can cause it to corrode quickly and form sodium hydroxide (lye). This would make the knives and forks unsafe for food use as the sodium hydroxide could contaminate food. Additionally, sodium is too soft to be a practical material for making durable knives and forks.

What is the meaning of the mind is like a knife honed by sharpening?

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This metaphor suggests that the mind, like a knife, becomes more efficient and effective when it is honed or sharpened through practice, learning, and critical thinking. It emphasizes the importance of continuously improving and refining our mental capabilities to achieve clarity and precision in our thoughts and actions.

What is a person called if they have an obsession with knives?

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A person who has an obsession with knives may be referred to as a "knife enthusiast," "knife collector," or in extreme cases, they may exhibit symptoms of a psychological disorder known as "obsessive-compulsive disorder" (OCD) related to knives.

What kind of knife does the grim reaper have?

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The Grim Reaper is often depicted as carrying a scythe, a large curved blade mounted on a long handle. The scythe symbolizes death and is used to reap souls when a person's time on earth has come to an end.

Are switchblade knives legal in Connecticut?

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Switchblade knives are considered illegal in Connecticut, according to the state's statutes which prohibit the possession, sale, and use of such knives.

When is a knife illegal?

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A knife is typically considered illegal if it is concealed and carried without a valid legal reason, such as self-defense or work-related purposes. Additionally, certain types of knives, such as switchblades or ballistic knives, may be illegal to possess or carry in some jurisdictions. It's important to check local laws and regulations regarding the possession and carrying of knives.

What is the legal length of the blade of a pocket knife in york PA?

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In York, PA, the legal length of the blade of a pocket knife is limited to 3 inches. Any blade longer than 3 inches may be considered illegal to carry in public places.

Are push button knives legal?

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Laws regarding push button knives vary by location. In some places, they are legal to own and carry, while in others they may be restricted or prohibited. It is important to check the specific laws and regulations in your area to determine the legality of push button knives.