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Q: Are avioli on the outside or inside of the lungs?
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Where in the repiratory system does gas exchange occur?

Between the avioli and the lungs.

What is a condition in which there is air inside the thoracic cavity and outside of the lungs?

The condition in which there is air inside the thoracic cavity and outside of the lungs is called a pneumothorax.

What is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsiliconiosis?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsiliconiosis is the rare disease in which volcanic silica ash gets lodged in the avioli of the lungs.

What happens when pressure is lower inside the lungs than outside the lungs?


How our lungs work?

Our lungs are part of the human respitory system. The exchange of gases from the outside of the body to the inside of the body take place in the here.

What is the function of the avioli?

The function of the avioli is to exchange gas and oxygen. In turn, it then turns it into carbon dioxide.

Why are air sacs to absorb oxygen effectively?

Avioli increase the effective surface area which the body uses to transfer gasses to outside the body.

If the pressure inside the lungs decreases outside air is pushed into the airways by what?

The pressure inside the lungs decreases as the ribcage moves out and up. Air from outside basically gets pushed in by other air molecules due to the pressure gradient (air moves from a high pressure to a low pressure)

What supplies oxygen to the other parts of the body?

the avioli in your lungs carry oxygen to blood cells. Blood then carries the oxygen to other parts of the body viz veins and arteries.

What is inside ribs?


What is the group of air sacs?

Its the little avioli or alvioli inside of your lungs, these allow us to breathe in clean air and out co2. When these get damaged from smoking, drugs etc our breathing becomes very bad and this can lead to throat cancer, if these things ever get soooo damaged it could kill us, and shorten our life span.

Why does the lung collapse if intrapleural pressure is not maintain?

Inspiration happens when the pressure inside the lungs is lower than the atmospheric pressure (outside) and air rushes into the lungs. Expiration is when the air inside the lungs is higher than the atmospheric pressure and the air rushes out of the lungs. If the intrapleural pressure (pressure within the pleura of the lungs) isn't maintained then the pressure in the lungs can't differentiate between inspiration and expiration and so the lung collapses.