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Baby carrots are chemically peeled, I wouldn't recommend feeding them to any animal, let alone yourself.

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Q: Are baby carrots good for red eared turtles?
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What small turtles make good pets?

red eared slider turtles make good pets.

Are red eared slider turttles good indoor pets?

Red-eared sliders are one of the most common types of turtles found in the pet trade, but ... are good for young turtles, but as red eared sliders mature ... more like indoor ... yes they are good indoor pets

What do baby red-eared slider eat?

You can purchase a good quality turtle food and/or leafy greens. You can allow the greens to float in the water. The turtles will bite off of it.

You fed your hamster a baby carrot.?

No, I didn't, but you can if you want to. Baby carrots are good for hamsters.

Are red eared turtles a good pet?

well...there the same as trtles so ya there so sweet! take my advice!

Are red eared turtles and other fresh water fish good together?

Probably not the turtle will try to eat the fish

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I Like Turtles....

Are red sliders and map turtles good companion?

Yes red eared sliders and map turtles are good companions because they love listening. When I was playing the piano my turtles were sitting on their bridge and looking at me... when I was done playing, they jumped off the bridge and I left.

Are red eared turtles and painted turtles compatible in captivity?

Hi there, Most turtles are good together like mine, i have a RES and a yellow bellied slider and they are great together! Bugzly12 - hope you have a great time and hope you can answer some of my questions!! :)

Can the fish live with the red eared slider baby turtle?

Yes, as long as it is large enough to accommodate the turtles. While a hatchling can live in a 10 gallon aquarium, it will soon need a 100 gallon aquarium as these turtles get up to 12" in shell length.

Are turtles good house pets if you have a dog?

Yes they are, I have four red eared sliders and my pitbull sits and watches the tank as much as I do. It all depends on your enclosure and your dogs behavior.

Are carrots and other vegetables good for dogs?

Carrots do not make dogs vomit. It is a myth, my 15-year-old beagle eats them(and ice) all the time as a proper snack, and it helps provincial vision.