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no, i don't think they are, their rare so don't kill them. happy gardening:)

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Q: Are black and green ladybugs bad for the vegetable plants?
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What do you feed the ladybugs you caught?

Ladybugs eat aphids, the tiny little green insects you find on the leaves of plants.

Where do ladybugs hide in your garden?

ladybugs usually hide in the green parts of your garden. They like to sit around on the tips of healthy, green grass stalks.

What green plants do not make vegetable?


Will ladybugs eat bird mites as well as plant mites?

No,ladybugs and their larvae only eat plant sucking aphids(black fly and green fly)

What types of leaves do ladybugs eat?

sort of a trick answer to a trick question...for the most part ladybugs do not eat leaves but eat soft bodied insects, but there are a few species of ladybugs that feed off of plants and are considered pests, such as the Mexican Bean Beetle..they feed on the green growing leaves of various plants Lar

What colors can ladybugs be?

Ladybugs can be red, yellow, pink, Brown, black, and orange.

What leaves do ladybugs eat?

sort of a trick answer to a trick question...for the most part ladybugs do not eat leaves but eat soft bodied insects, but there are a few species of ladybugs that feed off of plants and are considered pests, such as the Mexican Bean Beetle..they feed on the green growing leaves of various plants Lar

How do ladybugs hunt?

They climb up and down stems and leaves looking for their favorite food aphids a tiny green bug that sucks juice from plants that harms them. Therefore ladybugs are beneficial to the environment.

Are ladybugs harmful or helpful?

ladybugs are helpful, they will eat all the little green bugs that are plants. the little green bugs will eat the plants so you will have to grow more and more plants. but watch out! Japanese beetles are harmful they will bite you, there colors are tan, yellow orange and even BLACK!

What are all the things ladybugs eat?

Ladybugs are carnivorous...they eat one other bug, the aphid. These are the tiny green bug with itty bitty green wings that you find on all plants. This is why farmers raise ladybugs for their help in eating these plant eating bugs. ztglkjat[zoeun z y j

What green vegetable starts with G?

Green beans are a vegetable. Green cabbage also is a vegetable.

Can ladybugs eat?

Yes, they eat aphids, which are small, green insects smaller than ladybugs.