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Q: Are black bubble eyed fish the same as black moors?
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What is a bubble eyed goldfish?

A bubble eyed gold fish is a fish

What fish can mix with black moors?

Black moor fish mix well with other fancy goldfish, but as black moors have poor vision they would be better with other poor vision fish like telescope goldfish or bubble eye as not to have to compete for food finding.

Do black Moore fish eat apples?

NO! Black Moors are goldfish they should be fed goldfish food.

How can you tell if your black ghost knife fish is pregnant?

Black moors are a variety of goldfish which are egg layers so they can't get pregnant.

Do black moors like to live in groups?

Not particularly. Black Moors are Goldfish. They are not schooling fish. Each goldfish needs at least 10 gallons of water so if you want to keep a few of them you will need a large tank.

Why would bubble eye goldfish stay in one certain spot on bottom of tank?

Bubble eyed gold fish have to stay at one spot in the tank because they feel like they rule the tank kind of thing and they want to watch all the other fish

What are some other kinds of fish that goldfish can live with happily?

Try bottom cleaners, algae eaters, black moors, and guppies for sure.

What is a small fresh water fish that is a awesome pet?

I would recommend guppies, Pacific Blue Eyes, Siamese Fighting Fish, Sucker fish, Gold fish, Black Moors, Pandas, Orandas, Crayfish, Feeder fish, White clouds

Do black moors have swim bladders?

Yes almost all fish have swim bladders it helps them go up and down. Gold fish can get flip over disease involving the swim bladder

How many bubble eye goldfish can you have in a 1 gallon tank?

ZERO!! A 1 gallon tank is not large enough to keep any kind of fish in. A Bubble eye goldfish can grow to 10 inches long and so, using the basic rule for keeping fish. "1 inch of fish need a minimum of 1 gallon of water" you would need at least a 12 gallon tank to house 1 Bubble eyed goldfish.

What fish has four eyes?

Four eyed fish

What does fish sound like?

gulp* bubble* bubble*