

Are black holes time portals

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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it is theorized that it is possible for black holes to act as worm holes but most scientists believe their gravitational pull is simply too powerful for anything to survive being ripped to pieces before it goes anywhere.

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Q: Are black holes time portals
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black holes are like portals so they take u to other dimensions

When were portals made?

Portals haven't been created yet. Not by man, at least. There is a possibility that black holes could be a sort of portal. I don't know, I'm not a meteorologist.

Can you make a portal using a black hole?

Portals made from black holes are highly speculative. You are more likely to encounter such portals (usually called wormholes) in science fiction (because it suits the plot), than in serious astronomical literature.

What happens to stars that are black holes?

They will remain as black holes for a long, long time.

Are dead stars black holes?

Yes. They get sucked into black holes all the time!

What is bigger black holes or asteroids?

Black holes. They can be so large that they can suck up universes at a time

Why are you left with one sock?

If you are talking about when you put two socks in the washing machine and you only get one back, then that is because washing machines are really portals to black holes and the socks dissappear into the black holes. Some times they trun up again under your bed or behind the desk.

Could black holes be time warps?

Black holes do distort time. The closer you get to the event horizon of a black hole, the slower time goes. From the perspective of someone outside, time at the event horizon stops.

When can black holes be found?

At any time.

What can you say about black holes?

Black holes were stars that were so massive that they collapsed on itself. The gravity in black holes is infinite and more you get closer to it, more time gets slower. Black holes suck all matter that is too close. Even light can't escape Black holes.

What is a black holes average life span?

Science at this time can find no end to black holes. They seem to last forever.

Can black holes alter time?

Can black holes alter time? Probably... I mean a black hole interfears with time and space... maybe... just maybe.... we could go either to the future or back to the... past.