

Are bluebottle jellyfish stings fatal

Updated: 11/7/2022
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13y ago

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The Portuguese Man O' War also known as the bluebottle jellyfish.

stings usually cause excruciating pain, and have caused several deaths in humans

So those with some heart conditions may have a heart attack due to the stress caused by the severe pain.

Another cause of death could be anaphylactic shock, caused by an extreme allergic reaction.

In 1966, my 3-year-old sister was stung by multiple tentacles. It was after a storm and we were walking on the beach, in Sydney, Australia. My mom and I frantically tried to rip off all the tentacles. There were meters of them. She fell into a coma like fever for 3 days. The doctors just shrugged us off as dumb Canadians. She was incredably ill. Her fevers were so high, she was glassy-eyed and laughing. The following few years, she had recurring high fevers (108f) was packed in ice at hospitals. Once her heart stopped beating, and I had to pound on her chest, before the ambulance arrived. To me, she has never been the same.

My questionis this. With no treatment, and resulting high fevers, what long-term damage can this toxin do to the brain?

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A jellyfish's sting can be from just painful to fatal. Most jellyfish who will give you fatal stings live far enough under the ocean that you won't have to worry about dying by being stung by one on a regular visit to the beach.

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The enemies of a bluebottle jellyfish is a whale, shark,certain big fish, swordfish. To search more about this question google what are some enemies of bluebottle jellyfish.One of my college majors was marine life study.So i was interested to hear this question.

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