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Literacy and more than an academic angle- a love of books are a positive thing. so most of the time ( some exceptions like crime magazines and occult trash) Books are a positive influence on children. Some subject areas such as morbid occult stuff would be approached with caution, put on the brakes in the vicinity of Treegap! ( locale of the Tuck Everlasting saga).

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Q: Are books a good influence on children?
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"Grown ups" are suppose to be a good example to children and a good influence. Do not follow down someone's path who is not a good influence. It will only make your life very hard. no i made this question i damand i right answer

Why are DrSeuss books good for children?

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What are some good books to read to kids at story time?

There are many good books for children. Typically those that teach children a lesson are good as they're educational while entertaining. Dr. Suess books are a long standing favorite of many generations. They are simple, read fairly quickly, and have a lot of rhyming, which can be enjoyable to children. The Berenstain Bear books are also good books. These books usually teach a lesson. Some of the titles include "Too Much Birthday" or "Go to the Doctor."

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Craigslist or Facebook yard sale sites are a great way to sell a bunch of children's books.

Why does Harry Potter fight with voldemonrt it is not a good influence on your children and you would like it to stop immidiately?

The fighting might not be a good influence on them but it teaches children about the importance of being good, and most of all the importance of love, as that is what allows Harry to Beat Voldemort in the end.

What are some good children's audio books?

Some good children's audo books are Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Graveyard Book, Peter Pan, Charlotte's Web and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The Harry Potter series also has some great audio books.

How are books good?

Books are good because they help children with their imagination.Books are good because you can learn new words, you can learn new word meanings.Instead of watching T.V and get lazy readings books dont make you lazy.

Is Betty Boop a good influence or bad influence on children?

A very bad influence, she just teaches them that life's all about make up and fashion, not about what's really important