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Whether a border collie is an appropriate dog for a person with Asthma, depends on the allergens that trigger and the irritants that worsen the asthma, for that particular person. The allergens trigger the asthmatic response of inflammation, swelling and mucus production, and irritants further inflame the tissues worsening the response.

If a person is allergic to dogs, any dog in their environment will be an issue, as all dogs shed the allergy triggers of skin flakes and saliva. Dog hair is generally not an allergy trigger, it is just more visible.

If a person lives in an environment that constantly triggers their asthma, but is not allergic to dogs, they may still be irritated by the fine dander shed by the dog. If the allergens in the environment are reduced, and the asthma controlled by medication, they may then be able to tolerate a dog.

All dogs tiny flakes of skin, called dander, just as we do, as the skin replaces itself.

Dogs with long hair retain more of this shed dander and dried saliva in their hair, and can therefore at any time shed a lot of this at once.

Dogs with a skin problem, such as having an allergy themselves, or having a skin infection, will replace their skin faster and shed more dander.

Dogs that are brushed and washed often, have the dander and saliva removed during this grooming, so less tends to be shed at other times.

Dogs breeds that have been described as hypoallergenic, such as poodles and bichon frise, shed just as much dander and saliva, but are often groomed and clipped more because of their long growing hair, so they may shed less into the home environment.

Long haired dogs that are not clipped, and dogs that drool more, will be the worst dogs to have for an asthmatic who reacts to dogs, but are not going to affect an asthmatic who does not have a dog allergy.

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13y ago

If you take allergy medecine, Golden Retrievers are usually good pets for people with Allergies. My neighbor is allergic to dogs, and she has a golden retriever, but she takes allergy medecine and isn't bothered by her dog. And it depends on how strong your alergies are and if the dog sheds a lot. Hope this helped!

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