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6mo ago

Yes, boys are created from the combination of an X chromosome from the mother and a Y chromosome from the father. The presence of the Y chromosome determines the development of male reproductive organs and characteristics.

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Q: Are boys created from y chromosomes?
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Related questions

What are the possibilities of sex chromosomes?

boys must inherit the Y chromosomes from their father

How are boys boys and girls girls?

Gender is determined by chromosomes A male has an X and a Y chromosome. a female has 2 X chromosomes

How do boys chromosomes differ from girls?

Boys have one x chromosome and a y chromosome, whereas a girl has two x chromosomes.

What do X and Y chromosomes affect?

X and Y chromosoms determine whether or not an offspring is a male or female. Chromosomes come in pairs. Boys have an X and a Y chromosome pair; girls have an X and an X chromosome pair.

Examine the chromosomes labeled x and y how does these two chromosomes compare?

Chromosomes X and Y do not truly make up a homologous pair. They act similarly in their roles, but they are not homologous (the same). The X chromosome in humans is much longer than the Y chromosome and also contains many more genes.

The genes on the x and y chromosomes are called what?

The genes carried on the X and Y chromosomes are called your "sex chromosomes".

Chromosomes other than X and Y?

Chromosomes that are not X or Y are called homologous chromosomes and autosomal chromosomes. The first 22 pairs of human chromosomes are autosomal.

What are the chromosomes that are not X or Y?

All chromosomes that are not either X or Y are called autosomes.

What are the X and Y chromosomes called?

The X and Y chromosomes are called the "Sex Chromosomes". Both the X and Y chromosome are part of the "sex-determining system" that helps determine the sex characteristics in humans. In the system, females have two X chromosomes (XX) while males have an X and a Y chromosome (XY).

Do humans have matching pairs of chromosomes?

Yes we do. The chromosomes match each other perfectly, except the one that carries the sex information. One is an X and the other a Y, if a person is a boy or girl, they both having matching chromosomes, except the boys get short-changed and one of them is a bit shorter, and they call that the Y, that's why.

How do genes effect sexual development?

A body has 48 chromosomes, which are paired into 23 pairs. The 23rd, known as the the xy chromosomes, are also called the sex chromosomes. They determine whether you are a boy or a girl. Females have two chromosomes, xx, and boys have one x and one y chromosome. The y chromosome is kindof a deformity, an x missing a pice. y chromosomes cannot carry genetic information, so the x carries the traits for sexual development. one x or y is given y each parent. The mother always gives an x, the father can give x or y, thus being the determining factor for gender

How do autosomal chromosomes differ from chromosomes?

Autosomal chromosomes are all non-sex (X or Y) chromosomes.