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Ni girls shoes are bigger then boys.

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Q: Are boys foot sizes bigger than girls?
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Related questions

Who has bigger feet. boys or girls?

boys my feet are bigger then a 43 year old womans feet and besids put ur foot up next to ur little or older brother (girls) ur feet are most likely to be a lot smaller

What is the ratio of boys to girls with club foot?

Boys are affected with severe forms of clubfoot twice as often as girls.

Can foot sizes grow 5 sizes bigger over night?

yes, foot sizes tend to grow faster than you would normally think, this can be caused by walking more often, walking may regulate your foot size over night, foot sizes can usually grow 3-5 sizes over night.

What size are girls in boy shoes osiris?

There is no specific way to know an exact shoe size without measuring the foot. However, there is a general guideline that says a girls shoe will be 2 sizes smaller than her normal size when buying a boys shoe.

where can I buy brooks kids running shoes?

You can go to foot locker kids to buy the brooks kids running shoes. The website has many models to choose from with many sizes for kids in both boys and girls.

How big is the average girls foot?

There is not an average sized female foot. Females come in all sizes and the foot size is determined by the person's size since the foot is responsible for helping to support the body.

Why are boy's feet bigger than girl's feet?

Foot size is closely related to height to achieve proper balance of the human body. A woman is typically smaller height wise, so the man being taller usually have bigger feet. The same in young boys and girls.

If a girl's foot measures 8.5 inches what would her shoe size be in girls sizes?

It will probably be around 5-6.

How big is an average ten year olds foot?

About in a girls size, a 4. In a boys size, a 5.

Where can you buy cheap Jordan shoes?

For boys, foot locker is a inexpensive place to buy them. I am not sure about them for girls.

Is feet bigger than feet?

Well, if you think that human feet are the size of mathematical feet, it depends. Human foot sizes vary.

Where can you buy cheap Jordan basketball shoes?

For boys, foot locker is a inexpensive place to buy them. I am not sure about them for girls.