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No, Brahmins are not Jews. Brahmins are Hindus, and are not Semitic. Jews are Semitic, and have an entirely different, monotheistic religion.

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Q: Are brahmins Jews
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Do Hindu Brahmins have Jewish ancestry?

Almost certainly not. The almost part is because a few Jews probably traveled to India thousands of years ago, but there's no tradition in India that remembers them intermarrying with the Brahmins, nor any Jewish tradition of this.

Are Bose brahmins?

Bose are not brahmins but kayastha.

Who was in the highest class in India?

The highest class in India are the Brahmins. These Brahmins are usually priests.

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Is brahmins in India a tribe of Israel?

Some of us like to think so. Brahmins share common DNA markers/haplogroups with Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews. There is also a significant portion of brahmins with the Cohen Modal Haplotype. Some Bengali brahmins claim their origins to the Levites of ancient Israel. Similarities include ritual cleansing, dietary law, fasting etc just to name a few. However, not all Brahmins can trace their ancestry to ancient Israel. There are groups in Tamil Nadu who adopted the Brahmin customs, mastered the vedas and got into the fold. The brahmins however seemed to have eluded the attention of lost tribes researchers, and Rabbis alike, or perhaps it hasn't received as much attention in the media.

Who are chubby brahmins?

Anybody can be chubby or thin. What is special so with brahmins.

Who is brahmbhatt brahmins?

Brahmbatt brahmins he born brahmas sons, he is great in brahmins in the world

Who was in the highest class in class?

The highest class in India are the Brahmins. These Brahmins are usually priests.

Indulkar surnames belong to which subcastes of maharashtrian brahmins?

I think Indulkar's are not brahmins, but maratha.

Are Khanna's Brahmins?


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