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Kind of a dumb question, would be like asking is a white cat is meaner then a gray cat. But not all pit bulls are mean, like all dogs it depends on the owner and how they were raised. I have had pit bulls for the past seven years and they are the smartest and sweetest dogs that I have ever owned. They have been well socialized with other animals (including cats and chickens) and are great around my kids (1 and 3). Check out this site and see why most pit bull attacks are more then likely mistaken identity.

i am with the one up there pit bulls are not mean it just depends on the way they were raised i have been around pit bulls all my life and i have not seen these dogs that i grew up with bite no body

EDIT: I agree with the very first person that answered this idiotic question, different fur color means nothing. Any dog can be aggressive, any breed can be aggressive.. the one to accuse is the owners. Owners for the most part will take full responsibility, but sometimes there are people out there that don't actually care what happens with their dogs. The site listed above is very recommended for people that don't have a clue about Pit Bulls.

Now, let me ask you this(for the person that asked this), does this dog look terrorizing?

Edit: A dog's fur color has no bearing on his temperament. Does your skin color determine your temperament? No.

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No. Color has nothing to do with temperament.

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