

Are bulls mammals

Updated: 11/22/2022
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11y ago

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Yes. They have live young

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Q: Are bulls mammals
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Are pittbulls mammals?

Yes, pit bulls are dogs, all dogs are mammals.

Do bulls and goats also sheep have mammals sounds?

Yes, cattle (bulls) moo, sheep and goats bleat.

How do cows and bulls differ in that bulls do not make milk?

A rhetorical question. Cows and bulls differ in that bulls do not make milk. That's your answer.

Are bulls warm or cold blooded?

Bulls are male cattle, which are mammals and therefore warm blooded.

What is the source of energy for all mammals?

energy drinks such as monsters and full throttles and rockstars and red bulls ther yummy :)

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What is the name given to a bulls penis?

It's called a penis, just like in all male mammals, from humans to dogs to dolphins.

Does any animal have a bone in the penis?

Many species of animals specifically mammals have a bone in their penis. Larger mammals such as horses, bulls, camels, etc as well as some smaller ones - Dogs, cats, etc. If we talk about mammals, only a few of them do not have a bone in their penis.

Why do they call it the enuectes murinus?

When it was named in latin/ancient greek late 1800 century, the Anaconda frequently strangled and devoured bulls and other large mammals.

What are some different types of bulls?

There are a fair number of different types of bulls: - Mature bulls - Bull calves - Yearling bulls - Virgin bulls - Old bulls - Mean bulls - Heifer bulls - Big bulls - Small bulls - Weaned bull-calves - Young bulls - Herd bulls - [Insert breed here] bulls - Fighting bulls - Bad bulls - Good bulls The list goes on.

What kind of cattle did the Mexicans bring to America?

None. Cattle is composed of ungulated mammals, most commonly known as cows, ox and bulls. Neither of them are native from Mexico.

Are bulls hatched from an egg or born alive?

Male and female calves are born alive and nursed with mother's (cow's) milk. That means that they are mammals. They are also warm-blooded.