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Q: Are cactuses found in savanna
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Where can savanna be found?

they can be found it many wparts of Africa

Is savanna a grass land?

The answer is yes because the savana is the grassland.The savana is a desert place.Also known as the Greenland.It has all different kinds of biomes too!For example,the savana has cactuses that have water in them.Sometimes animals try to find some water so they would take the water out of the cactuses if the cactuses didn't have thorns. I should say That if the cactuses DIDN't have thorns then the animals would try to take the water.Answer your question?

Are there rattlesnake in the savanna?

Rattlesnakes are found in the savanna, especially in South America.

Where are cactuses usually found in the US?

Cactuses are actually found all over, but more commonly in the Southwestern deserts. Most people think that they do well in very dry conditions, but the desert is actually quite rainy at times, and cactuses being succulents, excel at storing water. They don't grow well in very dry places.

What type of plants can be found in Mexico?

Mexico can have many plants. One of these plants are cactuses.

Where does lions found?

Africa , savanna

What is the duration of Cactuses?

The duration of Cactuses is 1.55 hours.

Where would you find a savanna?

A savanna would be found in the middle of a transition where a rainforest goes into a desert.

What type of vegetation is found in a savanna?


What type of vegetation is found in Savanna?


When was Cactuses created?

Cactuses was created on 2006-03-15.

In what environment is the lion found?

Most lions are found in the savanna of Africa.