

Are cats mouths supposed to be wet?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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The inside is. And some of them tend to start dribbling when they are being petted or are enjoying themselves.

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Q: Are cats mouths supposed to be wet?
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I don't have any idea!

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Cat's noses are supposed to be cold and wet. If they're noses are warm and dry, that could be a problem. ;)

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all cats put their babys in their mouths, its how they carry them around. and no, it doesn't hurt the babys! because the kittens have a spot that is kinda like bluber, were cats, and even humans can pick them up from with out it hurting them.

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Well, squirrels have the same fur characteristic as cats where the fur is damp and they do not have fluffy fur anymore when they get wet. Squirrels, like cats, also do not like to get wet.

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Healthy cats have a warm, dry nose. Cats' noses are generally supposed to be cold and wet. If their noses are warm and dry, then there might be a problem. not the word "might". It is not necessary for them to be sick if their noses are not wet and cold. Only if they show other symptoms of sickness you should be worried. But normally, because cats lick their noses, when healthy, their noses are wet and cold.

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Cats generally do not eat with their tails, they eat with their mouths.

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well it sort of depends usually wet.

Do dogs have clen mouths?

Compared to Cats they have filthy mouths. Think of all the bottoms they sniff and waste they like. As well as the doggy breath ; YUCK!

What is the prevention of wet eye in cats?

dry there eyes that way it wont be wet :)

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Crocodiles are often seen on the beach, looking like they are asleep, with their mouths open. What they are doing is basking, they keep their mouths open to regulate their body temperature. People sweat, dogs and cats pant, and crocodiles open their mouths :)